Show Me The Ropes In Bird Dogging

I am a business major in college. I am also studying for my real estate certificate to get a state license. I plan to be an investor when I graduate. In the meantime I need money. I need hands on experience in locating properties and getting paid to do that. I know that real estate is a very competitive field. I need to get my foot in the door. Please help guide me into the right direction. Thanks smile


  • ryand8th July, 2005

    I am probably about your age and i started a year ago. Since then i have done about 10-15 deals. I have done some Sub-To, some short-sales, and a lot of wholesaling. I started by reading all the book i could find and then reading these posts religiously.

    What i did was learn as much as i could and then i set up an LLC and started marketing. after setting up my separate phone line and marketing i started getting calls and making calls. i found many deals and flipped them to investors. Find investors at local REI clubs/meetings. Learn how to do assignments and double closings, etc.

    If you want to talk send me an email.

    goodluck, Ryan

  • Tombraider019th July, 2005

    I really appreciate the advice that you are giving me. I will also start to utilize the tips I receive in these posts and this forum. This is very good information.

  • Stav318is18th July, 2005

    What is the average amount you get out of each birddog deal?

    Gusty[ Edited by Stav318is on Date 07/18/2005 ]

  • JohnCl18th July, 2005


  • Newinvstr2nd July, 2005

    Have a great Holiday too!!! -Wonderful sense of Humor .
    Eventhough this was meant as joke, it actually carries a great imagination. In fact, it has been done before. Many Private Islands in other country or even within the USA has been developed to a very rich costly esate.
    The word "private island" is not too strange.....

  • patricialaird14th July, 2005

    Actually, I thought it showed imagination as well. Why not? Several other people have done similar things. Or tried far out ideas that have actually turned out to be million...or billion dollar ideas. Especially here in FL.

  • Marnie106523rd June, 2005

    I am a mortgage broker, just moved from Michigan to Clearwater, FL. This loan does not seem to be to hard to do. With your score you can get 100% stated plus 6% sellers concessions and you are in with no money. Loan amount would be around 130,000ish.BK 4 years ago does not matter, as long as you have 1 good tradeline, can be closed things I would need to know, what was your job before the current one, was it the same line of work , was there a gap in between. How bad are the floors that need to be done?? An appraiser will state the full value if the materials are there , contingent on coming back to do a recheck that it was finished

  • Marnie106523rd June, 2005

    I can do 100% no doc, but your score has to be 720, and the rates are not all that great

  • Marnie106524th June, 2005

    If the trustee will give a payoff of just what is owed on the house
    you go stated
    your company ,( when they get the phone call to verify your employment) tells them your start date was way back when , the first year and a half with them , your all good then

  • Marnie106525th June, 2005

    Yes, there are lenders that refi with new appraised value. A heloc.well a good one that is close to need a higher credit score . At least 680 on stated, 720 if your going to 100%

  • Marnie106526th June, 2005

    Concerning the sellers concessions..No extra funds are given to the seller or trustee. Or its not for the trustee to allow this or not. . They simple supply the payoff. The trustee knows nothing of the loan amount or the sellers concessions

  • Marnie106526th June, 2005

    Matter of fact , on the BK I worked on , I called the lender directly and got a payoff letter. They knew it was in Bk, took a extra couple more days then usual. But I had a payoff letter just the same as any other . When it closes , those funds are wired to the lending co. Then the seller and the lending co supply trustee with proof its paid , and remove it from the BK

  • InActive_Account26th June, 2005

    Oh, and about the job...

    contractor always paid by same company commission each week.

    1 year on.

    shaky history the year before that, and year an a half on with same company previous.

    Is the last year enough? (1099)

    ... and how do they verify? Do they call my boss? Corporate HR?

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