Rookie Eager To Learn Bout Forclosures And Tax Liens

Im a 25 year old trying to learn something new and exciting and I think I found it with real estate. Im looking for a few excellent starting tips or someone who will be wiiling to work with me on learning the real estate game.

Mike grin


  • ojedra19th May, 2004

    You have come to the right place. There are Forclosure and Tax Lien "Forums" right on this site; a weath of information. I have learned more here in a couple of weeks, than I have in 10 years of seminars and "sheets"
    Welcome and Good Luck

  • MRomuald3220th May, 2004

    Thanks for the reply I thought noone would. But do you have any personal starting point worth suggesting. If so I would really appreciate the info.

    Thanks Again
    Mike grin

  • ojedra21st May, 2004

    While I have studied it for years. I strictly focus on Bird dogging for now. I still don't believe in "no money down" deals, the money comes from somewhere smile I can not afford the potential "RISK" right now. I feel very capable of flipping/wholesaling, but Bird dogging is risk free and teaches you a lot. The worst that could happen is that someone steals your lead. Been doing it for years free, until I found this site. I hear most of the pro's say it is the best place to start. I have invested in tax lien certificates, because it's a win/win situation, but it usually takes some time to actually profit big.[ Edited by ojedra on Date 05/21/2004 ]

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