Rich Dad Package Advice


I have been watching the Rich Dad informercials for the past couple of days and since a lot of people here frequently recommend his books I was wondering if it is worth it to buy the package through the infomercial and also if those people are in the business of taking my info and sending me junk and calling me to sign up and pay for stuff I dont need.

Anyone has any experience with buying his package through the infomercial?



  • carpediemi2427th January, 2004


    I simply go to and lookup whatever there is about rich dad and buy the USED BOOKS (CD' on there and save $$.

    Just my 2 cents

  • who_me27th January, 2004

    I have read the books, have not seen the infomercial yet. but......

    They are great for getting the mind going and opening your mind to a different way of thinking. Keep an open mind while reading them and use the stories for inspiration to move forward, in any business.

    I would save my money though, and go to the library....they are just good starter books, then come here for the good stuff

  • nebulousd27th January, 2004

    Granted he writes a good book and paints a pretty picture, he's not going to teach you how to do a deal. He teaches financial literacy as opposed to how do you buy houses.

    Save your money or put it to another cause. Ron Legrand and John Locke has some pretty useful products. They teach not tell.

  • stormblade27th January, 2004

    The previous poster was correct. Save your money for some real classes.

    The Rich Dad stuff is good to get you motivated and thinking in the right frame of mind, but no real world teaching there.

    I do recommend the Rich Dad Advisors "Own Your Own Corporation", that book help get my company off the ground and make it a real business entity.


  • aybe27th January, 2004

    Thank you everyone for your great advice. The thing is that I am a newbie and a lot of people have been discouraging me to start venturing into REI. Everyone says I need atleast a few thousand dollars to start so I have been working like crazy the last couple of months and saving so I can start.

    I just need a little motivation and the right state of mind to get started. Havent had luck finding a mentor so figured I would start reading and educating myself to get me in that positive state of mind. Right now this site is the only thing keeping me interested but I need to start learning and educating myself a little bit more.

    According to the infomercial I get a whole lot of CDs and books by Robert Kiyosaki and it costs 9.95 for a 30 day trial and then I called them and asked how much it would cost and for the cd version it costs 4 monthly payments of 49.99 plus S & H.

    Just thought I should add in this info and see what you thought.


  • Rangui27th January, 2004


    Listen to them, save your money and invest it on proven products.

    I bought the Infomercial's Rich Dad Pakage and, after listening the CD's and browsing the printed material (low quality, by the way), I returned it.

    If you read his book and watched the infomercial, you're done, there's not much more in the course.


  • who_me27th January, 2004

    I don't think you will find enough "how-to's" in that series. For the same money I would go with John Locke's "sub-to" book. It IS a training manual, and you will learn what it takes to make it, and he is right here to help you.
    Where else you going to find someone willing to email you or give you their phone number when you need help?

  • Ladybug27th January, 2004

    I second who_me!

    John Locke is a great teacher and he is there when you need him, personally!

    Your library probably has all the books, and you can read them for free!

    Good luck!


  • edmeyer27th January, 2004


    I have most of the Rich Dad books and the Real Estate course. I agree with others in that they are not strong on "how to". They are very strong on strategic thinking. The three items that are particularly valuble are:

    1) Making a plan
    2) Buying assets (positive cash flow)
    3) Use of leverage (not just financial leverage)



  • Stockpro9927th January, 2004

    I would say "go to the library" Most have hsi books and many have his courses. Often if you ask a metropolitan library to order a course in for you they will do that and all for free!

  • pointafter27th January, 2004


    I haven't seen the infomercial, but your description sounds like the package I have, Choose To Be Rich. Believe it or not, I agree with everything posted here. It depends on where you are on the "timeline".

    This series was my first experience "out of the box" so to speak. It was the door that opened a new world to me beyond working 9-5 for someone else. The stories were motivational and encouraging, which is what got me interested in REI. It got the ball rolling and my mind thinking.

    It appears you are well past that point, so you probably won't find it nearly as helpful as I did. I do replay the CDs during my 35 minute commute to review, but would not buy a similar product today.

    Good luck...and wish me luck as well!!

  • Lufos27th January, 2004

    When in doubt, just go do it. I am sure you will screw up but thats part of the learning experience.

    I suggest training on Notice of Defaults. If you have problems in motivation this is how to break the habit. You ring that bell and you cannot leave. The door opens and there stands the Troll From Hell,
    "Yes?" she asks, the half eaten Peanut Butter Sandwich clutched in her hand. And then you are on. You can make a complete fool out of yourself. I have done that, I have even had the Troll correct my english, comment on my clothes and infer that I am mentaly challenged. But in the pause in this unfriendly outburst that is bound to occur, after all she has to stopped for breath, you can always say, "Gee, gosh, I am sorry, I was only trying to help."

    The attitude changes and bit by bit you draw from her the information you need to save her from a fate worse then death. No not that one, she should be so lucky. This one, being thrown into the middle of the street as the lender kicks her out.

    And so it goes. Try it you may like it. Mickey did.

    Helping push. Lucius

    <IMG SRC="images/forum/smilies/icon_cool.gif"> [ Edited by Lufos on Date 01/27/2004 ]

  • JeffAdams27th January, 2004

    I would highly recommend Rich Dad's books. I have learned a lot from them in
    regards to real-estate. One of the biggest things I have learned is to:
    "Mind my own business"

    What this means is that instead of working for someone else and getting them rich, work on my own business and make myself rich!

    Jeffrey Adam

  • RunningQ27th January, 2004

    Another great book that is a philosophical/mindset must is Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich"


  • jstoub127th January, 2004

    I definitely second Hill's "Think and Grow Rich." It is an excellent book to light the fire that is the burning desire in us all. Rich Dad Poor Dad is like that also. However, I also do think that the Rich Dad books, while motivating, offer very little instruction in REI. Also, I wouldn't recommend paying much for the Cashflow game either. After one game, I had learned everything it could teach me. It was fun to play, but I'll tell ya, once you're out of the rat race, it's super boring.

  • aybe30th January, 2004

    Thanks everyone for your words on encouragement. I have decided to read the Rich Dad books at the library or borrow it from them and I'll buy John Locke's course.

    Good thing I have a somewhat supportive family so I can just jump into it and see what happens.

    Once again I appreciate all the encouragement.

  • jpchapboy30th January, 2004

    Think and grow rich Ouch (brain cramp) I borrowed Rich dads RE course from my Bro in Law and really enjoyed it but definitly would not buy it the general consenses here is not to buy it. It was about the first thing I really did in REI and got me going, but it does not teach you the nuts and bolts very well. This website has been the best thing for that. Good luck.

  • Dreamin30th January, 2004

    you can sometimes find the course in used book stores like half price books with and with cd, tapes etc.... sent there because the people that had them didn't use them or got them somehow and didn't know how to use them.
    You can pick these up at a faction of the cost of actually buying them else where.

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