REI Bird Dog Ebook

I wanted to know how indepth the manual was. Does it teach you what to look for when you are prospecting for investors? How to know what a good deal is? Where to find the deals to be an effective REI bird-dog? If not, how could I learn that information? A totally green newbie, I am! And yes, I am afraid of making a mistake...but I''m more afraid of poverty!

Thank you! oh oh


  • appelgw22nd August, 2003


    I have purchased the e-book. I was not amazed with it, but I do believe it to be worth the money I paid. If you are looking to start Birddogging, you will need some capital to first have the contracts provided reviewed by a Real Estate Attorney for your state. This is only suggested for your safety.
    The second item you will need capital for is if you do the advertising that is highly suggested. "Bandit" signs, business cards, fliers, letters n postage do cost!!

    Personally I'm doing just a drive-by for empty property, doing record lookup of owner and leins, then creating a spreadsheet and giving it to an investor. Once they find a property they would like to focus on, I do the initial calling to set up an appointment with the investor.
    I just started doing this so I haven't seen any re$ult$ yet.

    Good luck - happy investing.

    Greg Appelt

  • fauche6522nd August, 2003

    I bought the book also, and found it very helpful. You can modify the information in it to suit your curcumstances, but for the green novice, this is an excellent place to start.

  • dancing4him222nd August, 2003

    Thank you both for your insight. I appreciate it. Could you recommend any other reading materials that would assist me in becoming more knowledgable?

  • Nievana1422nd August, 2003

    I just bought the ebook a week ago and also found it to be a worthwhile investment. It's specifically tailored to the complete novice bird dog. It shows you enough for you to get started. I recommend you read Steve Cook's Wholesaling for Quick Cash. I just picked it up the other day. It's about 200+ pages and gives you a good start for learning how to wholesale. It costs $150 bucks on his website, but you may even be able to find it cheaper on ebay. I did! Hope this helps.......

  • dancing4him222nd August, 2003

    WOW!!! Now I am really encouraged! Thank you soooooo much for taking the time to give me such valuable information. I wish you all the best in your endeavors! I'm going for it!

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