Need Advice..

i have seen some potential houses in the neighborhood and was needing to know if I should get in touch with the owner first or should i approach potential investors and see what their criteria is before I begin research on the property..this is going to be the first one for me so i want it to work.. and one more thing will the investor keep me informed about the outcome of the property and how can i ensure i receive a finders fee if the property sells..


  • fpd152026th January, 2004

    my opinion
    if you go to the owner first you can see wha the wants how you might be able to help them and make a profit. find out info on the property. then say: you have a nice property, im going to talk wit my partners about this, if i gave you $100 would you be willing to give me some time to speak with them?
    he might say how long? at least 30 days
    ( or whatever you deem fit)
    find investors,make appointments to meet,then work on a portfolio on the property, lots of pictures and graphs ,to help them see why the will benifit.
    if they go with it you made your $
    if not, well you bought your 30 days ,
    thats why they call it investing.
    i hope i help in any way.
    good luck! roy

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