Magazine Subscriptions

Hey everybody. I am a 22 year old newbie and have been reading the website for a few weeks now. I currently have one property and am searching for different ways to learn before I dive in too deep. I was just wondering if anybody knew of any good magazine subscriptions that focus primarily on real estate investing or anything closely related to it. Thanks in advance everyone!!


  • kobekatt1st March, 2005

    I, too, would love to hear if there are any Creative Real Estate Investing magazines...anyone know any and can recommend them?

  • InActive_Account1st March, 2005

    My credit rating is 618, where does that actually full.
    Could someone give me an idea on a scale from 500- to 800?

    How does one get the score higher, other then paying the payents on time and paying off debt. But you want to keep some debt/. How much is to much?

  • mojojojo_123rd February, 2005

    I plan on making money as an agent the typical way, but I want to learn on how to be a investment type agent, becuase that is what really excites me and that is what i want to do.

    I have been looking around and trying to find a "deal" this is the best one i could see. is it worth it, is it presnted correctly?

    A tri-plex is going for 225,000 in Sacramento. They are studios, and two have current leases at 550.
    Lets say he pulls out 235000 on a cash out 1st at 5.70APR, making mortgage payments about $1400.
    Lets say the extra money goes to doing touch ups ect. and rent is on average 600. thats 1800 a month

    Lets say lack of rent, fixing, and managent cost 200 a month on avg per year (correct me if i am off)
    1800-(1400 mort. +200 rental cost)= 200x 12=2,400

    Tax benefits-
    The investment depretaition, if you can depretaite it,
    is 225000/27.5 = 8181.81
    Interest on primary residence loan is around 14,000
    for the first 5 years on a 30 year fixed.
    14000+8181= 22,181 tax write off, probably even more.
    Lets say he makes around 100,000 (fairly close)
    100,000-22,181=77,819 his tax braket is 28%
    he would have paid 100,000 x 28%=28,000
    now he pays 77819x 28=21,789
    28,000-21,789= a 6211 tax savings

    Equity earnings will be at least around 4%, any more will directly raise his return 225,000x4% =9000
    lets add it all up

    the yearly return is about (17,611/235,000) 7.5%

    is this about right? should the reuturn be higher or lower? thanks

  • mojojojo_11st March, 2005

    thank you

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