Try getting out of the college town and find surrounding neighborhoods that are middle to low income neighborhoods and find motivated sellers (Like vacant properties). Find the owners and get them under contract. then Flip them to investors... Find some investors in your area first so you have a buyers list - know what they look for in properties and go after them!
Thank you guys for the help. I will look into that course. I have been thinking about buying a place with a couple other units and renting it out and living in it. I have just been living with roomates for so long and i hate dealing with them, I dont really like the renting to friends idea, because they are always looking for handouts and what not.
find a deal were you can get in dirt cheap, then assign it to a rehabber or another investor. make 10 - 20k then you have some cash to play with.
How do you assign the property to another investor? Or is that too in depth a question?
Bump -- I would like to hear the answer too.
when you make an offer to purchase, write your name followed by "and/or Assigns" then you can sell or "assign" the contract to another investor.
Try getting out of the college town and find surrounding neighborhoods that are middle to low income neighborhoods and find motivated sellers (Like vacant properties). Find the owners and get them under contract. then Flip them to investors... Find some investors in your area first so you have a buyers list - know what they look for in properties and go after them!
Good Luck!
Thank you guys for the help. I will look into that course. I have been thinking about buying a place with a couple other units and renting it out and living in it. I have just been living with roomates for so long and i hate dealing with them, I dont really like the renting to friends idea, because they are always looking for handouts and what not.