I Really Like This Web Site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I really appreaciate this site it helps me out in so many ways. This is definetly my favorite web site.
cool grin


  • pejames17th December, 2003

    You are not alone, as I am sure trhere are lots of folks out tere who have felt the same way. I know I do and you will find that the more you read the articles and the threads here, you will pick up more information than you can digest in a single day. Take your time and enjoy the ride! Welcome to CREI!

  • Craigthecubfan17th December, 2003

    just curious james, where is Worden?

  • pejames17th December, 2003

    Just north of Edwardsville, about 45 minutes NE from St. Louis

  • Kitjai2617th December, 2003

    I'm also new to this site, but quickly becoming addicted. I've also noticed that the people on here are very patient with answering questions... instead of shouting at you, telling you to run a search like most other forums. Thanks for making my newbie experience here great guys.

  • ahabion17th December, 2003


    its got me coming to it everyday for the past 3 months since i'm begun investing and its done nothing but help me soo much!!!

    Run a search for all the help!!!



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