I'm 22 And Looking To Get Into REI, Is This Possible?

I am in what seems like a very odd place for me... I'm 22 and I need to figure out something to "do with my life."

Let me give you some background, so I might better be understood.

I have only some college exp(long story and I'm sure no body cares to hear it), so in all reality I see myself possessing nothing but a college degree. I have very little debt(2k on credit card, and about 10k-ish college debt), but my credit isn't really great. We just relocated, so I am also unemployed. I am very blessed to have a great wife with an amazing job(she "stuck with it" and got a master's in Occupational Therapy), but as a Christian husband I feel like I should contribute equally to our household(and 80k+ a year is hard to match w/o a college degree).
That all being said, I am now looking at finding a buissness I can run, and profit very well from. I love to learn, but college never seems to work for me. I am interested in REI because I love to negotiate, and I am somewhat good at it.
So far I have only scratched the surface, learning what things are (as opposed to learning how to do them). My questions at this time are:
1. Assuming I start an S-corp or C-corp(or some L*C), is it possible to get a small buissness loan to finance a REI buissness?
2. Do I need to have my own money to get started(other than obvious attorney fees to set up corp) full-time?
3. Do I need good credit to start REI full-time?
4. Tomarrow I am going to Russ Whitney's Building Wealth seminar(I know it is a sales pitch), should I buy/would you recommend his course?
5. I am really interested in getting started in pre-forclosure and tax-leins, Is that a good area to start?
6. <insert question I don't know to ask, but pretend I did, ie. any additional info would be amzingly helpful>

Thanks and God Bless,


  • maxwellpropertyinvestment11th August, 2004

    Austin- This is America so anything is possible. You do not need your own cash or credit to invest in RE. What you do need is some knowledge. I would start at your local book store and do some research. Try Making Big Money Investing in Foreclosures by Peter Conti and David Finkel. Its good reading. Good luck

  • hyundai11th August, 2004

    Buy John Lockes course from the store on TCI. It is more than worth the $189.

    Good luck,


  • atsman11th August, 2004

    WOW... i read some REALLY BAD things about russ whitney, note to all, goto:

    this guy scares me, but i am going to his "free seminar" for kicks and giggles, thanks for advice/encouragement, please keep it coming!Russ whitney stinks

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