How To Say "rent-to-own" In Spanish?

Hoping to market to a growing Latino (Mexican)population. Yo hablo y escribo algunas Español, pero mis Español no es perfecto, yo creo...and I want to do it right. Any tips on how to advertise in Español, and the best and most understandable way to say "rent-to-own," "no bank qualifying," "no banks," etc.? Gracias.


  • linlin29th April, 2007

    It is "Alquiler con derecho a compra"

  • ray_higdon9th January, 2007

    Start going to investor meetings in your area, then find several that you feel are successful and ask them if you can take them out to lunch, the good ones will say yes. Pick their brain, that is your best start in my opinion.

  • Southern_Investor27th February, 2007

    You can go it on your own, find properties for other investors, or partner with other investors for a cut of the profits.

    Advertising deleted[ Edited by jfmlv1950 on Date 02/27/2007 ]

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