How Do REI's Use Real Estate Agents?

I'd like to hear from investors regarding their use of agents when selling investment properties:

1) do you typically use an agent when selling?
2) if yes, do you typically use the same agent each time?
3) is it more about the relationship with an agent(s) or are do you look to maximize the bottom line by using fee-for-service, discounters, etc.?

Thank you in advance for your insight.


  • kenmax28th October, 2004

    i use a agent at times it depends on the method i use for selling. i usually use the same agent. it is about the relationship with the agent , one that understands my needs and to maximize my bottom-line. i do not use discounted services they, for my money, don't provide the total service that i want. if i use a agent and they are getting full comm. i have covered it with the sell price in other words i have it built in when i purchase. i expect top sellsmanship from the agent and always have a quick exit from the seller/agent agreement if they don't

  • toobizee28th October, 2004

    I am a RE Broker and work with several investors & rehabbers - some pay full commission and some pay a fee-for-services -- all depend on me to find and close the end retail buyer. A good Realtor looking out for you is a valuable asset. There are a lot of hours that go into a transaction that are worked behind the scenes. Getting a buyer is almost a no-brainer these days, the challenge is often in getting the contract to close. The investors I work with do not use any other real estate person - With that loyalty, I always go the extra mile for them and watch out for their best interests. grin

  • kenmax28th October, 2004

    i feel if you have a re agent that can meet your needs they earn every penny of the comm.

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