Current Steps Of Improvement And Advice To Further Sucess

Currently I am persuing a business in real estate sick of my profession (as Robert Kiyosaki - Rich Dad Poor Dad would say), I have completed the following steps to begin .

1.Read, "Rich Dad Poor Dad", "The Simple Mans Guide to Home buying and Ownership" + other materials from intellibiz , The book on this site in freebies , This form / birddog section, A flips book and several other little info articles, finally a 500+ page guide "Real Estate in Depth" by atlas mortgage. Still need more ebooks - please recomend

2. Attempted to resolve all credit errors with the big three TransUnuion, Experian, Score and I have began printing business cards.

3. Met with a relitor and explained my investment strategy - seemed hardly excited but they did take the time to meet - mentioned that I should talk with a bank. I am thinking they don't want me scoping any deals they could get - greedy.

4. (future) Planning on attending a investment meeting(If I can find one here) to network and begin distribution of my cards + mabe take out an ad in the paper with contact info. Make calls to people who state they buy homes.

Question: as an investor what approach from a bird dog would you expect. I really want to see the deal that they create so I can learn from the process - do have a fair understanding but need to have a seasoned "mentor" to provide advice. Should i expect a referral $$ or just be hapy with them bringing me through or both? Usually it's best to give then get intially but I don't want to get walked on here.

Thanks for any input - have a good 1[ Edited by downpayit on Date 02/11/2004 ]


  • downpayit11th February, 2004

    Any Pros have advice - please share
    Thanks in Advance

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