Calls From Tire Kickers

I am getting most of my calls from people who have some time to sell, dont have much equity and want more than FMV for their houses. Rather than saying I cant help them, is there anything an investor can do with these types of calls?


  • JodyDawkins18th February, 2004

    If they are planning on selling, then they are probably planning to buy shortly thereafter. I guess one thing to do is to treat them as a potenital buyer/renter.

  • busterduke18th February, 2004

    I know there is an old saying that goes along with you question. When I was selling cars I would great everyone as a buyer even though they are just looking. IF someone made the effort to call you thats a good thing. You may have to go through alot of calls to get one buyer. But that one buyer you will probably make enough to pay for all your calls. Another words I never pre judge anyone. One of my customers came in in a torn t-shirt and old shorts, none of the salesman wanted to try to sell him a car. I walked up said hello, 3 hours later this guy bought a new corvette for 57,000 and paid in cash. He owned his own construction buisness and came in during lunch because it was a surprise for his wife. Take all the calls you can and treat all of them like potiental buyers

  • Bruce19th February, 2004


    Based off the question, I have to presume you are receiving calls from an Ad in the paper, or sign. The classic "We Buy Houses". If you sent out letters, then you may want to review your address list, because they should go to motivated sellers not the average homeowner.

    When you receive a call you have to qualify each prospect (caller). You do this by asking a series of short questions. If these answers are Postive, then you move on to detail information. So for example:

    Caller--"Hello, I saw your ad and I wanted to see what it was all about."

    You--"Oh saw the ad in the Daily Journal?"

    Caller--"No. It was a sign on the street."

    (You need to do this to figure out if your marketing is working."

    You--"Okay. Well basically we have the ability to buy houses from people for all Cash and to close on the house in seven days. Are you selling your house?"

    Caller--"I am thinking about it."

    You--"Is it in good condition?"

    Caller--"It is in very good condition. We just had the carpet replaced and the house painted."

    You--"Are you current with the mortgage and taxes?"

    Caller--"Of course, we are."

    You--"Are you in a rush to sell your house?"

    Caller--"No. We were just thinking about moving a couple miles away, if we could get a good deal for our house."

    You--"Well to be completely honest with you, I don't think you would be in need of our services. You best bet is to call a local Real Estate Agent and have them list your house. If after a few months it has not sold, please give me a call back."

    This conversation took three minutes and you left the idea in their heads that you are honest (you are not going to steal their house) and they should call you back.

    Do NOT waste twenty or thirty minutes of your time with someone who is not going to do business with you IMMEDIATELY.

    If the answers had been different, you would have asked a lot more questions about the house and the loans.

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