Bird Dogging/jobbing Courses

With so many out there to choose from, which in your opinion would be the best course to buy that is written in "Dummies" type so this dummy could understand and implement all the new stuff I'll have to learn? Something with CD's so I can take with me in my car and something with lots of forms for beginning bird doggers. Haven't got much money to spend so don't recommend anything too costly. Thanks


  • InActive_Account12th June, 2004


    Nice login! I would look around here at the products that are available and I would look on E Bay. You have to be careful on E Bay, but I picked up a used Carlton Sheets course for $70 dollars. The CDs were fine and the books had a little bit of highlighting, but since I was more interested in the audio CDs, I was more than happy.

    *** It sounds like you are lot like me, a lot of driving, so I listen to a lot of Audio Books in my car.

    I'm not sure I would spend a lot of money on courses. I think you can get a lot just from the forums here, and by joining your local real estate investment group.

    Hang out here and ask a lot of questions. There are lot's of people who are more than willing to answer your questions.



    "Experience is the things in life we never wanted to learn."[ Edited by jfmlv1950 on Date 06/12/2004 ]

  • BirdDogPup12th June, 2004

    There are no real estate investment groups near me, nearest is over 100 miles away. I've got 2 ebooks of jobbing and can't seem to find forms online. Can't seem to find investors to job for either and I've called the ads but no one returned my phone calls. Had one investor in Knoxville area (200 miles from me) who said it would be too far for us to work. Doesn't seem to be an investor in Gallatin, TN 37066, Sumner County that wants to take me under his wing and I have lots of properties I've found. I wish I had the money myself to buy and flip but I'm not at that stage of learning just yet. [quote]

  • MicahM12th June, 2004

    I found JohnLocke's "Big Bucks Bird-Dogging" ebook very useful... it isn't audio, but it only took me 2 hours to get through it, and that was while pausing to take notes. (This book is sold here on TCI.)

    Good luck finding an investor in your area. Have you run any ads to find them? Maybe you could ask a local realtor if they know an investor; you may even be able to birddog for a realtor or RE agent.

  • BirdDogPup12th June, 2004

    Local realtors here frown on investors; I've got John Locke's ebook and also Barry Grimes ebook. If I were to post an ad in the paper, the only one to see it will be the ones I'm been trying to contact with the WE BUY HOMES ads that haven't returned my calls.

  • Thexious12th June, 2004

    I believe i remember seeing forms in the links here on this site

    Good luck

  • ojedra12th June, 2004

    There are some forms here under "Freebies". Also, you may want to just post your leads(properties) here. I found investors, by posting leads and visiting lots of investors sites, many of which are looking for bird dogs, but be VERY careful. All are not as legit as they appear (I learned that here). I agree with Robert; hang out here; I learned more about REI in one month than I had in 10 years.

  • BirdDogPup12th June, 2004

    If I post leads here, how would I be guaranteed payment? Has any birddog/jobber ever been "stiffed" by an investor?

  • ojedra12th June, 2004

    I am not sure whether or not I've been "stiffed" :-D yetLOL too soon to tell. I have done bird dogging for years, for free not knowing people would pay for the services. I figure the most I have to loose is some time, and because every lead is different, I do get an exchange (more knowledge). When someone contacts me, I send an agreement. If they "stiff" me; they only get that once to blow a good source. Go for it, no risk involved and you learn a lot.

  • dealfinder12th June, 2004


    There are a few "free" forms websites. You can do a google search and find some. There also is a site that sells real estate forms with reasonable prices.

    You may also want to look into John$Cash$Locke's book on Birddogging on his site on TCI. Good Luck.


    [ Edited by dealfinder on Date 06/12/2004 ][ Edited by dealfinder on Date 06/12/2004 ]

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