Birddog Wanted

I am wanting to get some birddogs to work for me in Idaho. I have told a couple in my local RE club but none have actually sent me anything.

How does everyone find the birddogs? Would putting some kind of ad in the paper be worthwhile? thanks.


  • tanegra12nd December, 2004

    I don't know anything about bird-dogging yet, and I live in California... would there be a problem with you helping me get started. I know there's alot of hard work that needs to be done, but I'm not above it at all. I've been dragging my feet a bit about this, but this time, I want to act. So, if you can tell me how to get started, I will! thanks :-D

  • JohnMichael2nd December, 2004

    I would suggesting taking a look at John Locke's information at

  • tanegra12nd December, 2004

    Thanks, I will take a look at it. So, bottom line is that I have to have money to start, like any small business, and work up from there... thanks again!

  • joel7th February, 2005

    Click on the Groups link up top on the menubar.

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