Birddog Leads?
I've noticed bird dogs asking about posting their leads, however under TCI realty, there is not a "leads" or "leads for sale" section.
When I look, it is assumed that all the people who are selling something, has the house some way or another.
Could there be something added for people to post or advertise leads in the TCI Realty section?
There is a section for leads under TCI realty
Doesn't John Locke have a birddog website?
I see no leads section in the realty section and yes John does have a bird dog website.
John Locke does have a birddog website.
You can access it when you purchase his Manual and/or Birddog course.
Live in the NOW,
When you add in a property, you need to specify what it is. For Sale, Under Contract. Lead, etc.