Birddog Article

Within the last month or so, someone posted a link in a thread ,to a wonderful article that broke down step by step of what a birddog's job was. I think there was some confusion in the thread about what a birddogs exact role was,some suggested to take the property under contract and assign their position to another buyer. Others were saying thats not what a birddog does. I believe it was a tci article, but i've done a search and looked through all the results unable to find it.

Anybody remember this one? I'd be greatful,thanks. smile [ Edited by Alexis on Date 02/17/2004 ]


  • amynewbie3rd February, 2004

    do you just want that specific article or just want to know what a birddog does????


  • rajwarrior3rd February, 2004


    If it is the same article that I believe you are referring, it offered some bad to illegal advice and hopefully, it was deleted. Either way, it's not worth your time to read.


  • Lufos3rd February, 2004

    The Care and Feeding of Bird Dogs

    Sept 11, 2003. by Lufos.

    The latter part of the Article describes a setup that was used to employ Real Estate Analysts aka Bird Dogs. I never liked that title. It was similar to the set up utilized in Intelligence Activities by most of the Western Powers. I just adopted it to Civilian life and the Real Estate business as it was in that time period.

    Real Estate Analysts did not gain properties or indulge in any form of ownership. Their job was to find, examine and report back to the Controller. It worked well. Most of the persons involved went on to glory.


  • InActive_Account3rd February, 2004

    Oh thats right , it was good, till it became illegal.poo. Well i'm sure if any of you have some to share you will post them. Thanks!!

    I kinda like real estate analyst. Is that bad? I think people take me more seriously when I say that instead of birddog. At least with many people I deal with in south Florida.

  • omega14th February, 2004

    Like anything else in life, how much the birddog makes is the meter of time, location, size of a deal and level of desperation one is unskilled to conceal when making the deal.

    To the best of knowledge, those who call themselves birddogs and leave in states where the median home price is under 200K, gets about $500.00 - $1000 on the spot when the deal is accepted and signed by his or her investor.

    In some other cities like our fine LA-LA, birddogs are called "property relation managers", associate deal finders, deal managers and all the other crop a Webster dictionary will manage to hold but the bottom line is, "go get it" and be paid as much as we agreed.

  • InActive_Account4th February, 2004

    I concur.[ Edited by Alexis on Date 02/04/2004 ]

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