Bird Dogs

How do you communicate with others on this forum that want to "Bird Dog" without being accused of advertising and having your post delted 3 times ??

[ Edited by sly on Date 10/20/2005 ]


  • maverickstar23rd October, 2005

    Can we get a ruling on this point. Bird dogs are good for the business.

  • JohnLocke23rd October, 2005

    The ruling is that it would be considered advertising.

    First there is no way of knowing whether the person is a wannabe that has never done a deal and may have other motives for looking for Bird Dogs. It might be someone just hawking their products or looking for someone to invest with them.

    I personally have had to help posters on this site after they were hustled by another poster on this site saying they were mentors or looking for bird dogs.

    If a person is to cheap to set up a marketing plan in their area to find bird dogs, then they would not be able to properly train someone to find the type of deals they are looking for, mainly because they are lookiing for a free ride and chances are broke.

    John $Cash$ Locke
    TCI Moderator

  • IBuyHousesInc23rd October, 2005

    Sly if I may help...

    Rather than soliciting for bird dogs try asking John and others these questions.

    1) How to advertise for Bird Dogs?

    2) How to interview for a Bird Dog and what criteria should you be focused on?

    3) How to train Bird Dogs

    4) What level of compensation should a bird Dog expect to receive and for what level of involvement?

    5) Are there any legal issues to be aware of so the Bird Dog isn’t acting as a NON-Licensee?

    I bet if you did ask those questions John would be more than happy to oblige you with a few answers, he seems as though he is a very giving individual...

    Give it a try..

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