Bird Dogging

Hello TCI I have been researching and studying about real estate investing for about the last three years now. I have been unsuccessful in trying to purchase a property, in a booming market. I have come very close to buying property but it never happens so I was thinking about finding deals for other people until I make enough money to invest with cash myself. I have been repairing my credit so it will be a matter of time before I can conventional financing

Does anyone have an idea on how to contact investors who will pay to find them deal?

Please, any response would do thank you!


  • steady2823rd May, 2006

    Thank you Jack that was very helpful

  • 5MILLIONMORE25th May, 2006

    lol... You sound like me when I first started.. but to be honest with you steady28.. 3 years and no deal is not because you didnt know enough.. its because you wasnt pushing yourself enough!! So many investors use all types of excuses like: theres no good property here, or I dont have any money!! Some even use the excuse: I dont know what to do!! Trust me there all excuses!! Just get out and push yourself! For 1 week do all the things you think you should do that you dont feel like doing! ...So... I want you to stand up right now and say out-loud "I AM GOING TO GET DOWN TO BUSINESS AND MAKE SOME MONEY"... Trust me just stand up and say it out loud!!..... I know you didnt stand up and say it! so here is another chance to do so! stand up and say "I WILL MAKE A MILLION DOLLARS WITHIN 5 YEARS FROM TODAY" Dont expect to get rich overnight but dont believe its not possible either! Good Luck and Happy Hunting!!

    Mr. Cartier

    P.S. If you didnt stand up and say the phrases above that means you dont believe in your abilty to produce those kind of results! Sometimes the things that seem out of the ordinary are the things that prepares us for change! If your broke then dont think that being rich feel the same as being broke because it dont & (vise versa) some rich people do things that we may think are stupid (example): a friend of mine hated golf until he started making deals on the golf course, now he loves and play the game. Some people think It would be stupid to go door to door trying to buy houses. They think its stupid because its outside of there comfort level and out of the ordinary or its something they wouldnt want to be seen doing! When I was getting started in sales I went door to door selling phones and after 11hrs straight I only had 1 sale.. I hated that so bad but I continued to push on. I felt so stupid and kept telling myself I should just quit, that It was all BS!! but at the end of the day guess how many sales I had............ just 1! lol.. but sales started to roll in later that month because of all the people I spoke to and left my card with! What I did learn from that was that I had the ability to go outside my comfort level to obtain my goal with the understanding that I may not reach it! but you know what?........ I kept pushing!

    [ Edited by 5MILLIONMORE on Date 05/25/2006 ][ Edited by 5MILLIONMORE on Date 05/25/2006 ]

  • steady2825th May, 2006

    5million that was the greatest advice someone could give me...I would like to THANK YOU VERY MUCH and as well as the others on this website for all of your great wisdom and knowledge I promise to share the second I get my first deal....I WILL START MAKING SOME MONEY TODAY!(standing up)

  • bwb91126th May, 2006


    If all REI were like Radio52 (and myself), then agents would be falling over themselves to put REI on their client lists, but as I said 90%+ of people claiming to be REI are just dreamers. And it is this 90% that cause the problems.

    My agents (two agents that work together) e-mail me listing from their office (their houses) and then I go and look at the houses. They show up at closing and pick up their checks. It is a SWEET business for them.


  • bwb91126th May, 2006


    If all REI were like Radio52 (and myself), then agents would be falling over themselves to put REI on their client lists, but as I said 90%+ of people claiming to be REI are just dreamers. And it is this 90% that cause the problems.

    My agents (two agents that work together) e-mail me listing from their office (their houses) and then I go and look at the houses. They show up at closing and pick up their checks. It is a SWEET business for them.


  • bwb91126th May, 2006

    Amen brother!

  • bwb91112th June, 2006

    Hey Lagoon,

    You mentioned Cash Investor in your first post...a cash buyer is NOT a lower income OO. Get real.


  • drdanger1st May, 2006

    I recently moved from Jax, Fla. to Knoxville, Tn.

    I wish I was rehabbing in Jax Beach or Atlantic Beach when I lived there!!

    Last fall when I was there, the money was screaming at me to be made. The beach (or 2-10 blocks from there) is where the money is!!!! There are old run down beach houses that are being turned into very profitable places.

    There are plenty of places for you to be successful with!!!

  • NewKidInTown32nd May, 2006

    Quote:On 2006-04-23 16:38, mandiland wrote:

    I need to get to the point where I net an average of $5K/month between the two - and I need to consult some pros on how to do 1031 exchanges and cash-back closes. How do you propose to use 1031 exchanges in your investment stategy?

  • roboxking2nd July, 2006

    Let us know!

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