Bird-dogging Timeline - How Did/do You Measure Success?

I'm a planner. I can't help it. I've been planning out my approach to REI for what seems like forever, and I've been reading, practicing research techniques, finessing approach letters...and I'm ready. I have a prequalified list of phone numbers burning a hole in my pocket, and tomorrow morning, I start calling - and calling - and calling (and knocking!).

I'm starting out in the $100 - $200K FMV market, and I've mapped out all the 65% numbers and acceptable profit margins for the properties on my list. I've got my comps, I've got a preliminary list of buyers, and I've started making initial contacts with many of them. I plan on making between $1K and $5K per deal so that I can get in the door with the other local investors, and make my mark. It would take more than one $5K deal per month to replace my salary. mad

How long do/did you guys bird dog before you did your first subject to or other actual purchase? How realistic is it to expect that I will have a lucrative second income within six months, and a full-time transition to subject to (or other - but that's my focus right now) within a year? What was/is YOUR career path in REI, and how did you make the transition from bird-dog to investor?

I hit a low point today - had to drug my daughter with Tylenol so I could drop her off at daycare without them realizing she had a fever...all so I could sit my tail in useless meeting after useless meeting. I hate missing her life, and all for nothing better than a steady paycheck and an unfulfilling existence. I'm looking for a bit of inspirational prose here.


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