bird dogging question

I look at a lot of listed properties... From time to time I find good information that may be useful to a REI, but it just did not fit my needs...

So I am making a BDing site. I want to ad a section for listed properties on there... not for me to make money, but just as a value added type service and to send them to my realtor since she is a great part of my REI and shows me all these properties.

So my question is - If I look at a property and put it on my site, is there any way I can get in trouble for saying things like - "bad furnace", "sagging floors", or "seller is..." - Is there some kind of implied confidentiallity or something when I look at a house...

Good example... commercial building - seller was a tenant. In negotiations, I asked if tenant would pay above market rent... TWO YEARS UPFRONT... to help with down payment and hold a 2nd on another 25%. Said he would. Now after city codes and so on, the deal did not work for me... Is this now priviledge info, or is it something I can share with potential investor???

Thanks for your help.


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