Bird Dogging 101


I'm new to TCI and I have decided that the best way for me to start in REI is to become a bird dog. Now, I've already purchased and read John Locke's ebook on bird dogging with the advice of the investor that I am to be bird dogging for.....and have read from page 1 to 35 about 4 times now.....I even composed two documents to help me strategize and my questions to you all are as follows:

1. What is the best way to be a successful bird dog?
2. How do you go about finding your properties?
3. How much information is required to get the maximum amount per property from your investor? for example: I find the place, find out whose the owner, find out if any liens are on the on and so fourth....

Please feel free to fill in anything that I might have left out


[ Edited by tall_individual on Date 02/05/2004 ][ Edited by tall_individual on Date 02/05/2004 ]


  • tall_individual5th February, 2004

    NEVER MIND!!!!

    I just got off the phone with John and he clarified the process and answered all my questions.


  • BIGJOHNL5th February, 2004


  • tall_individual5th February, 2004

    Well, he basically told me that once I get my name out there, everything else will pretty much fall into place.
    He stated that if I really hit the streets and network.....I can build more relationships with investors and get to where I wanna go. In due time, I'll learn how to maximize my efforts to get top dollar for bird dogging

  • tvarookieinvestor5th February, 2004

    Hi tall_individual
    I think its a little unfair that you didnt give the same answers to the questions you were looking to get answers too. You said he answered all of your questions. I think you could at least share the answers to the questions that you had posted.


  • tall_individual5th February, 2004

    1. What is the best way to be a successful bird dog?
    1. Get my name out there, everything else will pretty much fall into place.

    2. How do you go about finding your properties?
    2. He stated that if I really hit the streets and network.....I will come across the properties. You know, drive around and look through various neighborhoods and such.

    3. How much information is required to get the maximum amount per property from your investor? for example: I find the place, find out whose the owner, find out if any liens are on the on and so fourth....
    3. In due time, I'll learn how to maximize my efforts to get top dollar for bird dogging

    Now this one I admit was kind of broad but I answered my own question really. If your birddogging and you handle more than the standard things that are required.....bring good deals to your investor.....he or she will appreciate the fact that you are truely in it to learn and they will acknowledge that. Plus by you doing more of the work....its less time they have to spend doing they can pay you a bit more.

  • tvarookieinvestor5th February, 2004

    Thank you, I appreciate you taking the time to respond with some very helpful information.After all thats why we're all here for.


  • tribal9th February, 2004

    I'm looking for all the information I can find on how to start bird-dogging.... I will be purchasing John Locke's book.....but I'm just curious. How did you go about finding the investor you will be finding leads for??? That's the first step that I need to take and I'm not really sure how to go about doing it.

  • reklats9th February, 2004

    Hi. I am not a bird dogger per se, (though I love to get properties flipped to me to rent out as long as they are STILL below market ) but i am an urban planner and I see what the big guys do. I work in a VERY big city and I know who guys get propety together in order to assemble enough to do condo projects.

    Here is what I observed: The guy specialized in a very small area in the city. ( I work at a very huge city planning department impossible to be an expert inthe whole city alone). You look for lots with SFD on them even though the zoning allows higher density. Then you approach the owner. Now here is where, IMO, people can win or lose a deal: They have that charm to present offers fairly to them. What one developer told me is that he holds nothing back: he tells what he intends to do with the property, how much he could make when he sell it. all of it. LIke the owner/possible sellar is in on the process (but not really). obviously it is a diplomatic art and one I presume you get better with practice. This guy is good he is at our counter filing condos/subdivision zone /changes on a regular basis!

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