Bird Dog

can somebody anyone on this forum explain to me in deatails what exactly is bird dogging. Please I have been asking since last night

thank you


  • JohnLocke1st August, 2003


    Glad to meet you.

    Sorry no one paid attention to your post, however let me give it a try.

    A Bird Dog is someone who finds properties for investors. There are many types of real estate investors to Bird Dog for, L/O, Subject To, Re-Habbers and the list is probably endless.

    This is a way of starting off your investing career with No Liability, No Fear and No Money (well maybe a little).

    Kind of like on the job training, where you get paid for learning the creative investing business.

    Welcome on board this board, at least this is what someone told me Bird Dogging was all about.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • manyrealy1st August, 2003

    thank you for answering.

    I was at the county clerk office day before yesterday. I wanted info on a house that I noticed was boarded up. I did not have one clue where to start or what exactly to looK for. I did want to see however if I can purchase the house and resell for a profit. A young lady next to me started to answer all my question. I asked her how she knows so much, she said that she does this for a living. Is it possible to pair up with someone like that in order to learn? Could she have been a bird dog herself?

  • td2nd August, 2003

    yes, it would be a good idea to joined forces with someone already doing it.


  • manyrealy3rd August, 2003

    s.o.s to knowledgeable bird dogs out there interested in letting me join force with them, or need an extra hand with research. Anyone interested in mentoring me. I am in NY and boy do I do I have a lot to learn.

    Thank you in advance

  • maryjanel3rd August, 2003

    You may want to read more and learn more from this website and possibly purchase some rei educational materials also.

    good luck!

  • manyrealy3rd August, 2003

    Thanks for answering

    I will purchase books that were suggested in this forum. I even called an REI club that I will attend or possibly join soon. but what about working with someone who is already knowlegeable just for the experience.

  • manyrealy3rd August, 2003

    Thanks for answering

    I will purchase books that were suggested in this forum. I even called an REI club that I will attend or possibly join soon. but what about working with someone who is already knowlegeable just for the experience.

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