Bird dog ???

I've read several posts over the last few days about Bird-dogging. Most of them are from people new to it. It sounds like a good idea to me and I am tempted to buy the $Cash$ book but have a few questions before I do the ready, shoot, aim thing that I normally do.

Has anyone on this board made a few successful bird dog deals?
How did they go?
Did it take 5,10,20,30.. Prospective deals to find one that worked out?
Does anyone in the Houston area need a new bird dog?
Other then the book how do you recommend I get started ?

I currently have a (non real estate) business & set my own hours. I'm seeking something productive ($$$) to fill up my otherwise non-productive or down time.

I'm investigating real estate investment ideas that may work for me. What I like about this idea is that the risk is low enough to get a feel for how things work without getting in trouble.

Any comments?



  • drifter26th February, 2003

    well as far as I know, most of us got johns book starting about 1 month ago.

    and as far as sucess, there are 3 of us that I know of that are on the verge of our first deals - several infact. It took us some time to get things ready and then start getting out name out.

    I am sure we will have several sucess stories in the next week or so, if there are not some on here already that I have missed.

  • BB27th February, 2003

    I'm just starting out birddogging in Houston as well. I just need to find some investors to work for so that I can start making some money.

  • bginvestor28th February, 2003


    You'll find that finding investors that are willing to work with you is the easy part..

    Advertise or just call them..


  • Crayon2nd March, 2003

    There are also many of us that have many deals pending. Anything can happen if you just keep trying, and if you fail then you pick up and keep going. You have the support here if you want to start trying and most of us are newbies and even the ones with experience are always learning and laws are always changing. I also work on my own and have plenty of down time. But I would rather be helping people and I love looking at house and talking with people so this is the best job in the world!!!! But, it really doesnt feel like a job, it feels like you are just out meeting new people all the time!

  • tanya12152nd March, 2003

    Don't use the word "try." If you do, then you're only setting yourself up for failure!

    You have to be positive, say that you are starting. Once you start taking the negativity out of the equation, you'll succeed a lot quicker.

    Never think of anything as a failure, think of it as a lesson on what not to do next time! Learn from your mistakes and keep pushing on...


  • captaingregger3rd March, 2003

    If you are bird doggin' in Houston then give me a call as I am a rehabber always looking for my next deal.

    415 305 0492

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