Bird Dog Work Sheet

Does anyone have a worksheet or list of questions to ask a motivated seller in order to determine if a deal is worth pursuing? rasberry

Thanks in advance


  • rae66200028th April, 2005

    Go under the Products heading on the main toolbar and you will see sub heading called "Freebies" look under that and in the Marketing category there is a Birddog questionaire. Hope this helps

  • ray_higdon28th April, 2005

    This type of question may be best to ask your local CPA or attorney

  • cjmazur28th April, 2005

    owning and renting would sound good to me.

  • dontaskwhy28th April, 2005


    Have you compared your two resources? Are they close?


  • mark102828th April, 2005

    Husband is a real estate broker.

  • RonInAZ29th April, 2005

    Personally I think this is a bit of a mis-representation unless their company sign is out front. MLS requires that owner / agent listings say exactly that. Even to the extent of "seller is a relative of listing agent" if that is the case.

    Whatever. Nothing to do with getting a good deal. With these details I would offer $425k.

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