Bird Dog Puppy In Jacksonville

Newbie here looking to Bird Dog for Jacksonville FL investor(s). I'm also looking for a mentor as a bonus. I've got the time and the eye, just tell me your needs.


  • KenGibbs25th July, 2003

    I am currently looking for large single family propeties in the Gainesville area.
    Let me know if you can Bird Log in the Gainesville area.

  • InJaxIam29th July, 2003

    Hey, Appelgw,

    You may want to join the local REI Club here in Jacksonville. They meet most Tuesdays & Wednesday nites @ 6:30 pm at the IHOP on Baymeadows. Send me a personal e-mail & I'll give you their web address if you need it.

    In the meantime, if you want a little company in your bird dogging endeavors, it might be fun to get the blind leading the blind.....? <IMG SRC="images/forum/smilies/icon_wink.gif"> [ Edited by InJaxIam on Date 07/29/2003 ]

  • appelgw30th July, 2003

    I did go to a meeting about 3 weeks ago. My cash flow has prevented me from joining yet. I plan on attending this evening and finding someone who currently uses a bird dog and see what they want for property details. I'm willing to do extensive research before turning over the lead.
    I would like to meet up with you sometime and maybe do a joint scan of the areas. Even partner up on the marketing if you'd like.

    Come to the meeting tonight and we can discuss details.


  • InJaxIam30th July, 2003

    Hey, Appelgw,

    I'd love to go to the REI meeting, but I think it's $75 bucks for the first night unless you're a guest? Anyway, it was kind of expensive.

    But, hey, yeah, I agree, we need to get together & work something out.

  • InJaxIam30th July, 2003

    Hey, Appelgw,

    You did go to the REI Meeting at IHOP on Baymeadow? What's it like? Crowded? Positive atmosphere? Conducive to networking?

    I'm trying to get a friend of mine from Murray Hills to go because she says the properties in her area hot! [ Edited by InJaxIam on Date 07/31/2003 ]

  • appelgw1st August, 2003

    InJaxIam, I did not make it to this weeks meeting. After reading their disclosure, you only get 1 free training and I just didn't have the $ to buy in this week.
    When I went a few weeks ago there were about 12 people and 2 very good speakers. The speaker this week was a good friend of a new acquaintance of mine. I really wish I would have attended.
    Tell your friend to check it out next Wed, just to see what she thinks.
    BTW - do you know of anyone who's interested in buying empty / abandonded properties in the Murray Hill / Lakeshore area?


  • InJaxIam5th August, 2003

    Hello again,

    About those empty/abandoned properties in Murray Hills -- will they be rehabs? Please give me more info on them, if you can. I think I know someone here in Jax that might be interested. Hey, is this what they call networking?! Am I networking here? lol!

    As far as getting to the club meeting tonite (Tues), I'm financially strapped until payday this Thursday. Otherwise I would certainly go and sign up as a volunteer.

  • appelgw5th August, 2003

    I know what you mean. It seems like I have just barely enough cash for gas lately. Anyhow - the properties in Murray Hill are definite rehabs - with very small rehab costs. I would love to birddog them for someone. I just need to know what details they want.
    As for the JAXREIA group - next payday I'm in. It may take mac-n-cheese or ramen to get me through this, but I've gotta get started somehow.
    I'd like to meet up with some other newbies. Maybe start our own group with no membership fees!!!!

    uberwanker at myway dot (OM

  • InJaxIam6th August, 2003

    Hi, again, Appelgw!

    Since we seem to be the only 2 on this thread -- I'd like to start by saying I'm Nia from the Southside.

    Yes, about the investor. I'm still trying to reach the guy that my friend told me about. She said that he's always looking for properties to buy. Well, he's been ill, but I did talk to his secretary. She said that he might be interested in working with a bird dog or 2 & he would call me.

    Appelgw, you know that this could be a fantastic opportunity for both of us if it pans out!!

    So when he calls back what do I say about you????

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