How is everyone doing? Let's get this thread started.

How are things going? What is your progress?

What has worked for you? Let's share so we all can benefit.

What are the most pressing challenges facing you since we began this network?

Don't give up though the past seems slow, you may succeed with another blow.


  • Tanner5th March, 2003

    All quiet on the western front.

    It 's my non-action causing it. I have a plan just haven't had time to implement. Plus I'm waiting for that meeting at COD this month. March 23rd , right? I have talked to some investors, but most are traditional rehabbers. Still in beginning stages.

    My goal is to find a deal for an investor by MAY. I know it might seem weak, but that is all the time I can afford at this point.

    I will be beginning Web page next month due to funds.

    E-mail me Furious with meeting info.

  • way_motivated6th March, 2003

    how about the other birddoggers out there?

  • TRH9th March, 2003

    Haven't had any go through yet, I am working on a few but nothing is for sure right yet. I have 2 preforclsures I am talking to right now, and one FSBO, hopefully two if another guy calls me back. I am trying though.
    Wanna send me the link to your site Furiosinc? I wanna check it out. I heard you talking about it on the conference call with mel on thursday. Thanks

  • TRH9th March, 2003

    Oh nevermind, I see it in you signature thing

  • 9th March, 2003

    Hey TRH,

    You must give me some feedback on the site. Be honest, I can take it.


  • lm1m11th March, 2003

    Hi Furious,

    Lets see I placed an ad for one week and got 2 calls. I ordered postcards they will be ready on friday. I got my mailing list for the prefor's from mel's realty site and i have made up my labels so i be ready to go come friday. I "homemade " on my computer some flyers and this weekend I will do the Furious thing and go out and put on cars. I need to check and see someone mentioned that CA ( which is where i am) has a Litter law that says you can't put flyers out. Anyways that where I'm at. I'm looking forward to next week and hoping that its a good week.


    See ya DO

  • TRH12th March, 2003

    It looks great I think. I think the graphics on the site look good but they make it look too.... I dont know, like something off of an infomercial or a website you would go to if you were going to buy something off of tv. If it were me and I came to your site looking to sell I think that I wouldnt take you seriously for some reason. But like I said that is just me, from what I have heard your site is doing well lol
    Anyway good job, see (or hear) you on the call tomorrow

  • 13th March, 2003

    Hey TRH,

    Thank you for the honest comments, they are appreciated. I guess you can get that type of feeling from the site.

    On the other hand, I am excited to be in the infomercial catagory because they generate MILLIONS every year.


  • 16th March, 2003


    This week sucked!!!!! NO really juicy leads.

    That is ok because I am an optimus, I don't really see any use being anything else.

    Seriously, marketing is not an exact science that is going to work in a set period of time. In order to succeed, one has to be willing to fight through the tough times of famine because the harvest could be on the otherside of the sunrise.


    I am.

    I will see all of you on the other side of money.

    To next week, for it shall be better than this one. I am certain of it.

    To your success!!!!!

  • bginvestor16th March, 2003

    Hey guys/gals,

    I got only one call this week, it was a newbie investor trying to get help with a pre-foreclosure.

    Besides that , I should have received my bandit signs a week ago, but they lost my paper work. I feel the bandit signs are going to help dramatically.

    This week I was polishing my scripts and working on misc forms that I use to gather information.

    My website is almost completed, just need a little more polishing.

    I have my flyers made, need to go to kinkos and make a couple of hundred of them.


  • Askasalesrep16th March, 2003

    Well here go's,
    I have a couple deals to talk about.

    1. Got a deal going with a seller and had him all ready to go on a Lease Purchase and flipped it to a well know investor in my area. Terms were great, 3 Year, Take over payments, Nothing down, owner walks away and we take on all the responsibilites and get a tenant/buyer in and makes some dough.

    My fee was $500.00 and a simple flip to the Investor. (Wrong)

    The Investor calls the guy makes and appointment to see the home, Talks to the seller and changes the deal to 5year, does some kind of equity switch deal I have never heard of and the seller go's balistic.

    Seller calls me after the meeting and calls me every name in the book short of a scam artist. He told me next time you do a switch up it would be nice to know about the rip off up front. (it wasn't nice)

    I called the Investor back and asked what had happened and he gave me some kind of a story out of a fairy tail book.

    Long story short: Know your investor, Try to go with him on the first deal to understand how he works. This is important! You are putting your name out there and it will only take one bad deal to screw it up!! And it won't even be your fault. Your doing everything right on your end and you find out later the Investor you thought was a Pro messes the deal up bad.

    2. Seller calls me on a pre-foreclosure, Home worth 126k, balance on the mortgage was 124k, and the arrears were 8k, well this was a short sale of couse, I called an Investor that does shorts and flipped him the deal. 2weeks later the seller calls and says the Investor called once and never called back. I called the Investor and He told me he wasn't interested but forgot to call me. (ok learning lessons) keep in contact with all your deals man. It's important.

    3. Seller calls, home for sale for 155k, balance on mortgage was 10k, Home was worth 160k with 2 lots additional thrown in on the deal. All for 155k a combined worth of about 250k or more. Flipped this one to an Investor (stupid me ) and he goes in and tries talking the owner down to 130k, the seller calls me and asked what the heck is going on. After 20 minutes on the phone with the seller and the rookie Investor, I put together a sweet deal (mamma would have been proud ) but forgot to include myself under all the exitement.
    So with all that money I made $500.00 standard flip charge.

    Well all I can say is keep you head up it gets better. Look how long it took you to learn your present profession? Long time right? so why do we think we will get rich in a few months? who knows.

    All I know is if you give up you'll be telling the grand kids what kind of a neat guy you are when your rocking in the rocking chair you don't own at 80.

    The best thing that has worked for me is phone calling!! For rents and FSBO.

    Bandit signs
    Phone calls

    I just wanted to share a bit and hope you'll learn some lessons because I have.

    Knowledge is only knowledge when it's used.

    Keep your heads up and be strong!


  • dozu17th March, 2003

    looking for bird dogs around Yardley PA 19067

    email me

  • HeidiWhite19th March, 2003

    Thanks Steve for posting your experiences!

    You're doing the hard work - it's bound to pay off big soon. Please continue to keep us posted.

    Heidi White

  • hunt881818th April, 2003

    HI i'm a new bird dog. I put a post up on another board and was advised to stick to birddogging. I wanted to flip the contracts, but was told birddogging is better for tax purposes. I have some great leads on deals and just want to get started. Can anyone reccommend a book on birddogging? Or several books on the subject?

    thanks --Dee/Sacramento, CA
    p.s. how do I locate investors?

  • Kez18th April, 2003

    Our week..
    managed to gather a gazillion leads, most looked quite juicy, some we tossed, some great...passed them around, although nothing has come to 'be' just yet.
    You know, I'd even skip the fee just to see the 1st one

    Went for the daily walk and saw a FS sign down the street, 2 lil old homes belonging to the same dear old lady, wants to sell them as one deal, hmmm might want this for myself.
    opinions on what you' do here please anyone..2 homes, one is a junker, thought maybe an ad in the local blab
    as a L/O

    stating: EL JUNKO
    U FIXO
    PH: 123 4567

    the other I'd L/O too I guess, I'm leaning towards which ever method requires less 'dig' in the pocket.
    It looks to be a cosy liveable lil home 2 bed 1 bath.

    Both homes asking price $35,000
    comps for same street $30-$60,000

    anyway, phoned the realtor he says :"show me your money 1st"
    anyone might want to patner on this?
    will get more info

    keep typing y'all,my coffee break, i'm reading........

  • JohnLocke18th April, 2003


    Glad to meet you.

    If you are interested in becoming a Bird Dog then you will find my e-book the answer to getting you started.

    Check out this link:

    Welcome on board this board you will find plenty of Bird dogs here at TCI.

    John $Cash$ Locke

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