Bird Dog Looking For Investors In Washington, D.C., Maryland And Northern Virginia

First of all, I would like to thank all the moderators and member of this website. May God bless you all and give prosperity and much more success in your real estate investments this year and years to come. I have learn so much since becoming a member and I know I have much more to learn in the future.

Second of all, I would like to thank John$Cash$Locke for his book "Big Bucks Birddogging". I have recently purchased his book and I'm very excited. His book is very informative and it has increased my knowledge and movtivation in becoming an birddog. I have followed his instructions to the fulliest. I have made all my marketing materials, contracts ready for hire and I have just recently attended my first local REI club meeting in baltimore, md. I look forward to joining more REI clubs in my local area.

I am looking for investors to work for and with in the local Washington, ****Must Reach Freshman Investor status before posting URL's***. area (D.C, Maryland, Northern Virginia). I am a dedicated worker and student of Real Estate Investing. Also, if any member needs help or assistance in the washington, ****Must Reach Freshman Investor status before posting URL's***. area; please don't hesitate to e-mail me or contact me. Thanks.

Happy Investing. cool grin


  • jenelle29th July, 2003

    Hello, I'm completely new to this site and to REI and I saw that you were from the DC Metro area. Do you know of any real estate investing groups in DC?

  • JohnLocke29th July, 2003


    Thank you for your kind words.

    I know you will do very well starting out in your investing career, because I see the determination to be a winner in your post.

    Our Big Bucks Bird Dogging site should be ready very shortly (Joel ?) this is where you will have contact with some of the top investors across the country looking for deals and who know how to get the deal done so you make Big Buck's.

    If you need me I am here for you.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • InActive_Account29th July, 2003

    Hi Janelle,

    Welcome to the forum. I'm glad to meet you. There are many REI clubs in the metro area. Please go to our GROUPS link on forum's toolbar and click on Maryland, D.C. metro and Virginia REI groups links and check on REI group locations that is convenient for your travel. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to e-mail or contact me. Happy investing.

  • keoki6th August, 2003

    I'm an investor in the DC metro area, I'm interested in everything from Shell's to multi-million dollar properties. If you come across a deal let me know and I will check it out and get back to you ASAP. You can get my email from my profile.

  • InActive_Account7th August, 2003


    Welcome to the forum. Please call me to discuss my d.c. metro leads. Please check my profile. Thanks. Happy investing.

  • lbchandler9th September, 2003

    I am an investor looking for properties anywhere in the DC metro area. Can handle any amount of rehab in any price range. Please call if you have properties.

    Brad Chandler

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