Bird Dog Contract


I am a new bird dog and have a contract question. Can anyone tell what I should include in a bird dog contract I sign with an investor? I dont want to find some crook of an investor a good home only to not be paid for my services. Does anyone know maybe where there is one available for download, or that they can email me. Any help is appreciated greatly. Thanks.


  • mardebjs12th February, 2004

    I would like to know the same thing?

  • InActive_Account12th February, 2004

    John$Cash$Locke has an excellent example of the contract in his e-book "big bucks birddogging". In his e-book, he still says to check with the state laws you live in and confer with a good re attorney and I agree with him on this subject. happy investing.

  • orlandorealestateinvestor12th February, 2004

    Try John $CASH$ Lockes book it has a sample contract and everything you need to know. It is available online as a downloadable ebook. Check it out. It is quite worth it


  • omega112th February, 2004

    Dear stockade,

    John Locke got an excelent contract in his RE Birddog e-book, which allow beginers to strat their respective RE careire on the right track and in te meter of days rather then in weeks or months.

    As far as I know, he'll be more then glad to answer that question for you. Would you John?

  • JohnLocke12th February, 2004


    Glad to meet you.

    What most people don't understand about contracts is one size may not fit all situations.

    There are 50 states with different state statutes and these statutes are the laws of that state. Many of these laws govern how we conduct business, which is the way it should be.

    You are worried about an investor being a crook, yet you would accept a contract from some unknown poster over the internet and if it is wrong contract and you were to use it, then you are the one that may wind up being the crook.

    Real Estate Investing is a business and should be conducted in that manner, albeit whether you are a Bird Dog or Investor.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • stockade14th February, 2004

    Thanks for all the help everyone! Im gonna check out that ebook.

    And JohnLocke your comment made me look at the situation from a different angle...thanks

  • Tedjr14th February, 2004

    Although I believ everyone in the world is basically honest ther are a lot of murders and rapes and illegal activity out there. About the best you can do is put something in writing but keep it simple only as both parties remember what the dealeo is. You could spend thousands on a contract and get F Lee Bailey and Thomas Jeffersons grand son to OK the form and content and still be dealing with a crook that cheats you. Also follow up on the deal with the title company and make sure they know you will be getting part of the proceeds at the closing. Better to have your finger i the pie from ther start instead of watching everyone licking their chops after the pie is gone. Hard to get a bite then

    Good LUCK and Thank You
    Hope this helps some
    Ted Jr

  • tjm52814th February, 2004


    It is highly unlikely that an investor will rip you off. You just need a basic contract ,John Locke's will work just fine. You have to remember that the money the investors are paying you is nothing compared to what they are actually making. It's not worth it for them to rip you off .
    Investors truly value the services of a good bird dog. Hope that helps.

  • Worf14th February, 2004

    tjm528- Don't be so fast to say that an investor won't rip you off!

    I had been doing joint ventures all year with signed joint venture contracts. Then, one day, he decides to just stop taking all my calls. Why? Who knows. But even a contract is only good if both parties decide to honor it. I am suing him, but that takes years.

    But, in the meantime, I had a real estate agent call me about a nice piece of property that I showed to my JV partner. He got a binder on it the next day (due to the popularity of vacant land in NY one must move fast) and in contract the next week. Well, guess what? He must have forgotten (yeah right) that I was to be his partner on this and still has not signed a joint venture agreement with me. We haven't spoken since before Thanksgiving and now is refusing to pay me on all my JVs.

    This guy is a thief. I have since moved on and started my own company.

    But beware!! They ARE out there. Whatever you do, get it in writing BEFORE you give up any info!! Good Luck!

  • stockade14th February, 2004

    Again everyone thanks for all the great input!

  • Adanac16th February, 2004

    Investor want the help...the worst thing in this industry is a bad name...ripping you off a few backs will cost that investor thousands when you tell other bird dogs what they did!

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