Billboards To Find Motivated Sellers

Has anyone every saturated the market using a large billboard? Clear Channel Outdoors have all kinds of billboards. They have Mobile Panels that are very large and move from city to city and that stays in one place for about 4 weeks and then move to other locations in your state and city. They cost around $900 per month. I am thinking about doing this.

Has anyone every try it to find motivated sellers using a billboard? If so, how well did this type of advertising worked for you?



  • ZinOrganization5th July, 2005

    for the price you can get a thousand bandit signs and nail them to telephone poles. these are basically mini billboards and a hech of alot cheaper.

    i just ordered a billboard for two months. it cost me 2k its not going to be out untill september, so i will let you know when it comes out. but with my reasoning above im still not so sure it was a good decision.

    i get a good amount of calls from my mini billboards (bandits) that are strategically placed at stoplight telephone poles, so will i get more calls from a billboard that people are driving by at 50mph? doubt it.

    [ Edited by ZinOrganization on Date 07/05/2005 ]

  • CarolG5th July, 2005

    Hello ZinOrganization!

    The billboards are expensive. Good luck with yours and thanks for the tips. Looking forward in hearing back from you. I contacted Clear Channel today. Still thinking about it.


  • ZinOrganization5th July, 2005

    now that i have been thinking about it, i should have spent that 2k on a somewhat old car/truck that i could use to put my bandits up with. and a couple car magnets or a paint job advertising my buisness.

    putting up signs in the mercedes is kinda wierd.

  • IBuyHousesInc6th July, 2005

    We purchased 2 Yellow 12 foot box trailers and tagged them up as billboards. We use them for clean-up and equipment.

    Also we hade a sign company make up for sale signs which we put on every houses we buy and sell.

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