Bill Bronchick

Not being one associated with the real estate guru industry, who is this guy Bill Bronchick? Is he good or bad? I have been having to edit his stuff lately.


  • JohnLocke19th July, 2005


    Bill is a highly respected course writer and very knowledgeable investor in his own right. His website is and he is an attorney in Colorado.

    His mother heads up probably the largest REI Club in the US out of Los Angelos.

    He is a good freind and one of the good guys in our industry..


  • woodsong19th July, 2005

    then he may not like the two emails i sent him requesting he let the abalos thread die!
    Oh well- he certainly looks like a chipper kind of guy in his photo so hopefully his feelings are not too hurt.

  • woodsong20th July, 2005

    Thanks for the info John. My emails to him were pretty nice and definitely not personal whatsoever. I support what he is is just that he was posting stuff that was against the TCI rules. For example, he posted one email from someone with all their contact info...i.e. phone number, etc. with no obvious acknowledgment that person consented to it, etc.

    Being a developer, I would mostly be concerned if he had the ability to make dirt disappear than I am about those who follow him. That being said, he sounds like a well rounded, educated, honest person and a good person to have at TCI. I may email him to clarify my position to make sure there is no confusion.

  • JohnLocke20th July, 2005


    Just dawned on me I think I made a comment about what was going to happen or close to it if this thread remained.

    When I first started at TCI there may have been 3 posters on the site at any given time, the reason I have so many posts was to answer just about anyone who posted to help build the site. I remember not to long ago when there would be 300 "posters" on line not "people" on line.

    I invited just about every Guru or pro poster I knew who had a following (Ronald Starr being on of them) to TCI to help build this site. Well I see we are getting close to that 3 figure again I wonder why?


  • woodsong20th July, 2005

    John, if i am not mistaken you are trying to say, "I told you so"

  • Stockpro994th August, 2005

    I would love to see the thread, where is it at?
    I too count Bill as friend and have travelled to Denver 2-3 times in the last couple of months to talk to him and learn about some of the things that he is doing. I find him honest and honorable, I promote his materials to all my friends and he is the president or was last year of the Colorado real estate investors association.
    What I like most is that he stays close to home where he is doing deals and is not out on the road all year.

  • NC_Yank8th August, 2005

    I orginally felt the post should stay open for informational value but it has become more of a gripe and complain post.........for that reason I locked it for awhile.


  • woodsong21st September, 2005

    I think we have done a public service by keeping this thread open! This guy sounds like a (very bad) scam artist.

  • NC_Yank24th September, 2005

    On 2005-09-21 23:13, woodsong wrote:
    I think we have done a public service by keeping this thread open! This guy sounds like a (very bad) scam artist.

    This may be true however to me it is getting old.
    I propose we start a new Forum.

    Call it the "Beat the Dead Horse Forum".
    After so many pages of griping and complaining we move topics into such forum.


  • JohnLocke29th September, 2005


    It saddens me to see a professional like you leave this site as you have given so much, really above and beyond the call of duty.

    I figured that Coo had some axe to grind and he really did not want to go any further with me or you on the board. As to what happened between you and him is no ones business and when I said he was a coward I was right on target, because if he had a beef with you then the board was not the place to take it..

    I have seen Prosperous 1 on another board I moderate and she is just a whinning little bitch, can I say that, wants everything for nothing and would not know what to do with it if you gave it to her.

    Maybe my years in the Marines where if you smarted off you would get a rifle butt upside your head or it could be all those years in Las Vegas knowing some of the wise guys with names like, Lefty or Suitcase Sam (someone asked him one time why he was called that) that plays a part in how I react to posters who think the world owes them a living or want to show disrespect to those who are professionals in this industry.

    Personally I give no quarter to those that want to start with the BS with me or those I respect and it has been my style for many years.

    Take a break for awhile, besides as I told one other Moderator who wanted to resign, you have to submit your resignation to me first and in your case the answer is no.


  • JohnLocke29th September, 2005


    Last one left gets to throw the switch.


  • woodsong30th September, 2005

    sorry to hear of the turn in events!

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