Big Business!

How difficult is it to get a nationwide company convinced to locate to your area. I have found a prime piece of real estate that would entice any corportate exec to place his (restaurant) there plus this area is in dire need of a good XXX Restaurant. I am completely in the dark on this one any help is appreciated.



  • tclifford1023rd February, 2004

    Good Day to you:

    You are pretty much wasting your time. I owned a restaurant for 15 years, 13 years trying to sell it. I marketed it to all the larger chains and came to the conclusion that they do what they want to do and nothing else. My location was a B+ to an A location and little or no response. The response I got was about 3% of those whom I contacted, (sounds pretty good) except, the wanted to offer me about .10 on the dollar.

    Try working with your regional restaurants and forget the big boys, you may have better luck.

    ALSO, if you really want to do this, get the property tied up with an option, otherwise, those that you contact will steal it away from you.

    Good Luck and make $$$


  • InActive_Account24th February, 2004

    Your declaration on this prime piece of real estate stems from? Do the numbers from your local chamber of commerce support in the areas growth?
    What was there before, and why isn't there now?

    Selling the sizzle here will take numbers and great numbers at that in the restaurant game, then you can let the steak speak for itself. And even then things good fall flat ...

    things such as an upsurge in employers in the area and the like might get some exec to envoke a feasibitly study, based on demographics.

    I know this about the restaurant business and that is its a risky proprosition in the best of times and areas, Good Luck!

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