Beta Testers: Should Your Partner See Your Debts??

As you guys might be aware right now, is that we have set up a TCI Buddy system, so you and a partner, spouse, can manage your properties right here on TCI. Click on 'Add a TCI Buddy'.

The question is that I am working on my famous debt eliminator tool in the 'Tools and Utilities' section. This calculator tool is originally for a single person. Should this tool be for partners and spouses as well?? In other words, should the Debt Eliminator tool be strictly for personal use or more for business use??


  • mhvhomebyr13th November, 2003

    I think it should be for business ues. I share with my spouse, but I can see whaere others might disagree.

  • joel13th November, 2003

    I think I might have solved my own problem. I am going to make a 'Private' tag for each of the debts. This way you can show the debts to your partner, and still keep the loans that belong to you private.

    I think this might work.

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