BETA TESTERS: Notes For Sale
What criteria are you looking for when purchasing a note?
I am not a note buyer so I would know where the first place to look.
All I would know is payment, balance, term, mortgage started when, how long the seasoning is, how many past dues. And that is it. Any other suggestions??
Probably be easiest to classify first by Performing on Non-Performing
Type: Commercial, Residential, or other
Term: 30yr, 15yr, 2yr balloon, etc
Position: 1st, 2nd, 3rd
Then get into the rest of the info
of payment, seasoning, etc
Performing and Non Performing is whether they are paying on the note, correct??
Does it matter what state the notes are being held in?? Or not??
Briefly describe how you as a user would search for the note of your dreams.
1. I would like to select performing/nonperforming first
2. I would choose ___
3 I would choose ___