Best way to acquire 4 properties

I just came across a deal that will allow me to obtain 4 properties. What advice would you give to net me the greatest profit.
obtain, rehab and sell
obtain, rehab and lease option
The properties are not in the best of neighborhoods, but with renovation the homes will be nice. The cost of the properties are quite inexpensive. I am located in the DC area and the homes are in Baltimore City Maryland


  • KyleGatton10th June, 2003

    If you are reffering to the townhomes in Baltimore the most money can be gotten through sectioning out the floors and renting them out. Or if you need an exit strategy lease option os the best way to go. Be careful in that state though the laws can be tricky for flipping as they have tried to make it illegal. If you are willing to take a second on all of them I may have a guy in that area looking to break into the business. Email me at with what you have and I will pass it along.

    Good luck,

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