Best Polyurethane For Hardwood Floors?
Can anybody give me any tips and or recommendations for a polyurethane for hardwod flooring? The last rehab I did I used a product from zinsser. I was pretty happy with it. I probably should have done two coats though. I am doing about 600sq of refinishing at my next rehab and was wondering if anyone can recommend me some polyurethanes that would be a great help!
As a pharmacist once explained to me about Tylenol (while looking at a 3 foot shelf of various "Tylenol" formulations) "Tylenol is Tylenol, everything else is just packaging". Same is pretty much true with Polyurethanes. Only difference is the % of solids. (i.e. how much of the can is poly and how much is solvent.) Two coats is pretty much the minimum. Gymnasium floors are around twenty coats. Apply the first coat parallel with the grain, each subsequent coat at alternating 45 degree angles to the grain, the final coat parallel with the grain again.
What about sandless refinishing? what do they use?
try googling no stripper refinishing..
out family was into furniture refinish and we never liked this product... the finish "melted and got goopy"
When it comes to paint clobs and other superficial marks, I have had very good results with a cleaner called "Grafitti Remover." It comes in a spray bottle--that looks like 409 or Fantastik. I wanted to avoid the heavy fumes and dangers of other products. Spray it on, wait 10 seconds, then wipe away the paint. Wear Gloves.
Then "who will leave the light on for me"??? (LOL)
John (LV)