There is a website for my county that gives me tax info, permits, previous sales, owners address, maps, and sales in the area. all you need is an address.
I just googled my county + assessor, or try GIS (geographical information system)[ Edited by BobTate on Date 04/07/2005 ]
How did you come up with $200 positive CF?
- How was insurance calculated?
- How were taxes figured?
- What are rents?
- PM?
- How much down?
- How confident are you that you can get the 7%?
Did you take into account vacancy? repairs?
If you correctly figured all the numbers and put no money down - then I would say $200 is good,
The key, as Hoober said, is certainly how did you get those numbers. If you know they are accurate, you are asking whether putting up 1,036 to get an annual return on cash invested of 2112. 200% ROCI is something anyone should be willing to do, but, yuo need to know abuot all the questions Hoober prompted you to research
I have moved this topic to the beginners forum since it is the appropriate place for your question, instead of being in the commercial/development forum.
already tried it...
not too consistent
thanks Bob
Have you tried your county assessor?
There is a website for my county that gives me tax info, permits, previous sales, owners address, maps, and sales in the area. all you need is an address.
I just googled my county + assessor, or try GIS (geographical information system)[ Edited by BobTate on Date 04/07/2005 ]
Try the website for the Board of Revision of Taxes:
realquest is another good one, but kind of expensive.
smooze the rep at the title company.
They set me up w/ web access to title profiles and comps.
what do you think?
How did you come up with $200 positive CF?
- How was insurance calculated?
- How were taxes figured?
- What are rents?
- PM?
- How much down?
- How confident are you that you can get the 7%?
Did you take into account vacancy? repairs?
If you correctly figured all the numbers and put no money down - then I would say $200 is good,
The key, as Hoober said, is certainly how did you get those numbers. If you know they are accurate, you are asking whether putting up 1,036 to get an annual return on cash invested of 2112. 200% ROCI is something anyone should be willing to do, but, yuo need to know abuot all the questions Hoober prompted you to research
I have moved this topic to the beginners forum since it is the appropriate place for your question, instead of being in the commercial/development forum.