Best Mortgage/Financing Book?

What is the best Mortgage/Financing book, or a few of the top books.

I'm looking a book that covers all types of financing from Conventional Mortgages to ARMs and beyond in extensive, yet effecient detail.

Any suggestions? Thanks


  • Derek078314th July, 2004

    P.S. I'm a newbie, so any books that start off basic and then go into complexities would be better then a book that assumes the reader is a seasoned vet. Thanks again

  • TekGnos14th July, 2004

    The book "Real Estate Finance and Investment Manuel" by Jack Cummings is something that taught me quite a bit about finance. Its a big book that covers the different types of mortgages as well as how to deal with lenders, prepare a loan application and what to expect. Its written well too, which makes it an easy read.

  • lassitermarketing14th July, 2004

    I like All About Mortgages by Julie Garton-Good. It's written like a huge Q and A and the questions are great - very detailed.

  • Derek078316th July, 2004

    thanks for the suggestions.

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