Best FREE Forms Of Marketing?



  • chilln2music10th October, 2006

    Thanks for the response.

    What about marketing FOR motivated sellers? Anyone have luck in the local papers FSBO?

  • fadi20th February, 2007

    Door knocking and cold calling

  • chilln2music2nd March, 2007

    Hi James, what do you mean by "take over existing debt on the property"

  • webuyhousesmi3rd March, 2007

    Hey Chillin:

    My name is actually Scott, I just put a pseudonym in the example Craigs List e-mail. I received this e-mail (I changed the name of the sender) on a FSBO property that I posted on Craigslist.

    As for the take over debt... The e-mail is referring to a Subject To Sale - or Sub 2. This is a method of buying a property where you can purchase the property by purchasing it subject to the exsisting financing. There is alot of good information on the forums about this approach. [ Edited by webuyhousesmi on Date 03/03/2007 ]

  • RyanSA5th March, 2007

    The best and cheapest way of finding property is through flapping your gums and talking to everyone.

    Hands down this has gotten me more property than any other way of marketing my self. Not only has it gotten me motivated sellers and buyers, but lately to my surprise, has stirred up some serious private money investors..... yeah but that’s another story.

    In my humble opinion if you are a shy person who doesn’t like to talk to strangers you might want to get over your self or get a new line of business.

    And don’t worry about fancy business cards to hand out to people when you are talking to them. I ran out of business cards last week and have been carrying around a notebook I just write my number on a page with a sharpie and tear it out and hand it to the guy if I want him to have my number, it still works.

  • BercoGroup20th March, 2007

    Pass out and leave business cards EVERYWHERE you go. Talk, talk, and talk to everyone you meet.

  • RamRE12794th April, 2007

    The best way I have found is to find an area where there is alot of foot traffic and start talkin and passin..... I live in a tourist area.... and weekends are times when people from the surrounding counties storm our beaches..... They already love the area.... half of my job is done right there..... but once again this works for me due to my situation..... find what works for you and run with it.

  • cjmazur5th March, 2007 has a bulk interface.

    may be $$$.

  • Stockpro996th April, 2007

    YOu need to be careful that the lists have been scrubbed for "do not call". Otherwise fines apply.

    Title companies usually have some scrubbed lists.

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