Best Flipping/Wholesaling Program

Can anyone offer their input on the best wholesale / flipping program? Looking for the best step by step program.

Thanks for any help!


  • JeffAdams30th August, 2004

    Ron Legrand's Wholesale/Retail course is by far the best program out there. Wholesaling does not take a rocket scientist:

    -Tie up a deal leaving room in it for your 'wholesale' buyer
    -Open your escrow as an 'assignment'
    -Contact 'wholesale' buyer offer to them for sale
    -If your wholesale buyer wants to purchase, have them give you the difference between your actual purchase price and the amount you are selling it for
    -Contact escrow and 'assign'
    -Contact seller and tell them you are closing in partners name and by the way we are closing next Friday. They wont care just want to get their money
    -Let your 'wholesale' buyer close the deal. You can also assist them with some financing and hook them up with a hard-money lender or private financing with financing already in place. Will make the deal even more appealling and you might get $1k-$3k more.

    Now if you are buying from a bank and they will not let you 'assign', then close the deal in your name, grant deed to your 'wholesale' buyer, collect your fee and have your 'wholesale' buyer assume the financing you have in place.
    Hard-money financing or private lender financing is not hard to assume as long as they have decent credit.

    Best Regards,
    Jeff Adam

  • 205JUNKERS30th August, 2004

    Anything Ron LeGrand.... Most courses seem to be the same but LeGrand seems to be more entertaining and real world...

    Just my 2 cents

  • Hibby31st August, 2004

    Thanks for the program input idea!

  • shamund2nd September, 2004

    On 2004-08-30 17:14, JeffreyAdam wrote:
    Ron Legrand's Wholesale/Retail course is by far the best program out there. Wholesaling does not take a rocket scientist:

    -Tie up a deal leaving room in it for your 'wholesale' buyer
    -Open your escrow as an 'assignment'
    -Contact 'wholesale' buyer offer to them for sale
    -If your wholesale buyer wants to purchase, have them give you the difference between your actual purchase price and the amount you are selling it for
    -Contact escrow and 'assign'
    -Contact seller and tell them you are closing in partners name and by the way we are closing next Friday. They wont care just want to get their money
    -Let your 'wholesale' buyer close the deal. You can also assist them with some financing and hook them up with a hard-money lender or private financing with financing already in place. Will make the deal even more appealling and you might get $1k-$3k more.

    Now if you are buying from a bank and they will not let you 'assign', then close the deal in your name, grant deed to your 'wholesale' buyer, collect your fee and have your 'wholesale' buyer assume the financing you have in place.
    Hard-money financing or private lender financing is not hard to assume as long as they have decent credit.

    Best Regards,
    Jeff Adam

    Let's say I am able to get my investor to assume my hard money loan. After I collect my fee, how will I be compensated for the 10% down required by my HML and other associated closing costs?

  • pino3rd September, 2004

    Ron LeGrand's course is by far the best I've bought. I'd also recommend it.

  • DVTFG3rd September, 2004

    Where would I find Ron Legrand's course/cost?

  • pino3rd September, 2004

    Ralph, I bought mine through ebay for a little less than $250.

    They also sell it (or used to) here under Products & Services for around the same price. I think Ron LeGrand sells it for 1500. If it's not here, try searching for it on ebay.

  • balett5th September, 2004

    I would also recommend Ron LeGrand's new book, "How To Be A Quick Turn Real Estate Millionaire". This is only seventeen or eighteen dollars, and it tells you a lot of what you need to know to get started.

  • Hibby7th September, 2004

    Thanks to everyone for all the great responses! This forum is EXTREMELY helpful! It is nice and comforting to know that there are others in same situations or prior situations willing to help, and lead us all to our success!

  • georgebi7th September, 2004

    would you say that these books recommended will give us the "meat' needed to go out there and begin flipping deals, step by step. Quite frankly I am tired of systems and books that are just fluff and don't deliver real life experiences we can use and take to the street. any recommendations looking to get the most for my money and listen to somebody that has other motivation then selling basic and general information.

  • pino8th September, 2004

    George, I know how you feel.

    Again, Ron LeGrand's course is probably the best course that you can actually take what you learned to the "street". It has tons of cd's with real life scenarios. Pages of contracts and paperwork, etc. If you can find the course on ebay still, it's definitely worth the price. Other than that though, the next step would be to join a real estate group and actually get to know people.

  • georgebi8th September, 2004

    Has anyome used the information from Rons course and had success? I read differnt things on him and people say his system is no better then Cartlon Sheets. I want the guys program that hit the pavement and lived and wants to show others. Price of the course is not important to me, I'll pay for value that will show me the way. I am not looking to get motivated, I want the actual steps to make it happen. Anybody know someone out there who is not in the limelight just trying to push products?

  • videla9th September, 2004

    hint hint,

    do a search on ebay for Ron Legrand.

    I puchased the identical kit that most sites sell for $1500.00 from Ebay for something like $289.95. It is not pirated or illegal.


  • 205JUNKERS9th September, 2004


    In defense of Ron LeGrand when comparing him to Sheets, there's really no comparison because Carleton is in a studio with no life in his voice and Ron's teaching an actual seminar with interaction from his students PLUS HE’S VERY ENTERTAINING. Of course, the info given is much the same but if you don’t get out there and start contacting SELLERS it won’t matter who you listen 2. Both will leave some unanswered questions once you complete the course but Ron includes real life situations, which will help you do your 1st deal. I ordered both courses within 2 weeks of each other and sent Carleton’s course back with no regrets. I don’t think I would have gotten inspired if I would not have listened to LeGrand’s course 1st. Just my 2 CENTS.

  • lonnietacoma21st May, 2005

    On 2004-08-30 16:45, Hibby wrote:
    Can anyone offer their input on the best wholesale / flipping program? Looking for the best step by step program.

    Thanks for any help!

    If you want a great & cheap book on the subject try the find & assign ebook. Do a search on ebay and you can by it for 9.99. He sells it on his web site for about 40.00 bucks I think. Great value

  • ramasan23rd May, 2005

    i see a bunch of various legrands courses on ebay. what is the particular title we should be looking out for in terms of the flipping book?

  • MarkB23rd May, 2005

    Well I have to add my 2cents as to any course what it should be as to what most are...

    From what I have seen of most books, and or some courses the steps are just not there.... There are however General over views.

    For instance; If I were to share the step of how to make money on repo Mobile Homes I could say something like this.

    Well its quite easy, all one needs to do is contact the lender or bank make an offer on the MH.
    Lets say you have purchased MH at XXXX dollars which is far below the retail price. All you have to do now is advertise the MH at a fair market price and yield a handsome proffit.

    This is typically the tupe of stuff I have seen and yes this is only an example, truth is I have seen worse. But a step by step program would really be nice...
    1. How to get your money to purchase the Home
    2. Or have a buyer in place ready to sell to when you purchase it
    3. ect ect ect

    I learned from someone in the business that is how I got into Mobile Homes and boy in one afternoon He set me to making money... My first week after learning from Him I yielded over $7500.00

    But then I was entertained by him at all, and I didnt have to read between the lines of fluff but I can say I was very motivated especially after cashing my fist check....

    Would be great to see a program about wholesale investing, or subject to, lease option, ect ect ect...

    Anyway, good luck, if you find the course that gives you these and satisfies your questions with direct how to answers by all means post it


  • investorgal22nd February, 2006

    Has anyone ever attended a Ron Legrand Seminar? I am signing up for the Chicago one from March 1-5. Feedback would be appreciated?

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