Best Educational Books :)
Hello to All
Im a newbie to the business. Can you please suggest any good books that I can start reading on pre-foreclosures. Also I joined Realty Trac and sent out all my letters today. As I have been reading the forums it seems that it is not the best web site to get my info from. I know I can go to the court house but can you suggest any web sites that are better. Thanks for your time.
P.S. Im so glad to have discovered this web site.
You will find ton's of material and a great deal of differances on who like what:
Take a look at:
You will find some great ebooks and courses at:
Some other articles can be found on getting started at:
You will find that one of the most powerful courses around these parts is John Locke's on subject 2
He is about the only one I will recommend because he stand's behind his teachings and he is a great person to know!
In addition, yes I have a few training guides my self.
The public library is a great place to read and see what teachings you will favor the most. Avoid any that promise wealth over night as it's a bunch of bull and it takes time in the real estate business to build wealth!
I also subscribed to realy trac, and seems to have not enough information for me. I would like also to know about a better website for pre-foreclosures.
Thanks so much for the response!
Through out the day I have been going through the forums and reading all the post. I have learned a lot today and I look forward to learning more.
You will find that TCI's forum, articles and members to be a great asset in your future as an investor.
You can use many of the search tools by having a paid membership to this forum or order something and get better bang for your buck go to
Learn all that you can and you will become a success.