Best Course For Learning More On Wholesaling

What course out there would you recommend to learn the most about wholesaling also one that maybe provides contracts as well...

Thanks![ Edited by GeXus on Date 10/18/2004 ]


  • wheresmy7x22nd October, 2004

    It seems from what I can see that either Ron LeGrand or Scott Rister are the two top courses...

    Ron LeGrand - $1497
    Scott Rister - $349

    Which one is better I have no clue, I was planning on starting out with the Scott Rister course and then move up to the Ron LeGrand course... I had a chance to hear Ron LeGrand speak at the Real Estate Expo in NYC this past weekend and picked up some good stuff.. I am tempted to get his course I know he does provide contracts in it, so does the Scott Rister course.....


    Wheresmy7x[ Edited by wheresmy7x on Date 10/22/2004 ]

  • bgrossnickle22nd October, 2004

    Vena Jones-Cox who is regoddess (so you can figure out the web site) has an excellent course. It is on cassette though. But she is a great speaker who get to the subject and covers it well. But I am a speaker snob. Too many years in toastmasters prevents me from listening to many of the "gurus".

  • EagleDennis22nd October, 2004

    I have the Ron Legrand wholesale/retail system. Also, I didn't pay no $1497 for it. PM me and I'll let you know where to get it for a lot less if you're interested.

  • jeff1200222nd October, 2004

    The three Ron Legrand Cash Flow Modules which include the Wholesaling Module are commonly available on eBay for below $250.00
    No more need to e-mail or PM anyone!
    Good luck,

  • ZNICK22nd October, 2004

    You can buy Steve's system right now for under $100 on Ebay from Steve himself. Ken Kirschner has a good system too.

    Ron's program, for $250 is excellent, and gives more info than just the wholesaling side.


  • writebrain24th October, 2004

    I just found Ron's book available at my local Big Name bookstore for $21.95. I'm going to pick it up and start from there.

    "I don't read, I'm read to" grin

  • patrecejames24th October, 2004

    "writebrain" which book are you talking about by ron legrand ??

  • NYRE24th October, 2004

    A friend took a course by Russ Whitney and highly recommends it

  • GeXus25th October, 2004

    I can't seem to find this book anywhere, do you know where I could find it?

    On 2004-10-22 21:20, Ichabod wrote:
    If you're not into forking out all that money, I highly recommend Steve Cook's Wholesaling for Quick Cash book.

    It's very in-depth and informative.
    Makes for a great read too.

    There have been a good number of folks who have been successful doing wholesale deals with this book alone.

    Hope this helps and good luck!


    ~In every adversity, there is the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit.~

    <font size=-1>[ Edited by Ichabod on Date 10/22/2004 ]</font>

  • Murphyj200026th October, 2004

    go to ****This URL Not allowed****.com

  • JeffAdams31st October, 2004

    Hi there:
    Take Jeff's advice.. You can find a great course on E-bay by Ron Legrand for a great price...

    You can also read all the past posts on this site also...

    Best Regards,
    Jeff Adam

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