Best Books

What books would everyone suggest for a beginner in real estate investing?


  • John_Carter13th October, 2004

    I've said this a lot in other forums - go to the library and pick up as many books as you need for free. The library will also special order you books that you request. What could be better? There might not be one special book to recommend, you need to browse a lot of them. Lots and lots.

    I don't particularly like Rich Dad Poor Dad as it is - and it don't mean to offend anyone - a greatly written make believe story. Even the author himself compared it to Harry Potter. Even so, it is a great motivational read, and at the library it's free! grin

    Try to read everything you can get your hands on.

  • rmdane200013th October, 2004

    do you have any particular area you want to get into? That would help...

  • GeXus13th October, 2004

    Has anyone read "How I Turned $1,000 into Five Million in Real Estate"

    If so how was it?

  • loon13th October, 2004

    Conti and Finkel's "Foreclosures" book (don't remember the exact title) is full of ideas and inspiration.

  • patrecejames13th October, 2004

    "Buy it, fix it, sell it, Profit " by Kevin Myers, small price for a wealth of information.

  • Jimbezy17th October, 2004

    I would have to agree with patrecejames, "Buy it, fix it, sell it, Profit " is a great book. But you can learn just about everything you need right here in the forums and articals on TCI.

    Best of luck,

  • InActive_Account17th October, 2004

    I'm reading RICH DAD POOR DAD right now. It is really good.

  • calif_dreamin18th October, 2004

    Just wanted to add my 2 cents. I've read a couple of the books written by the author of "Rich Dad, Poor Dad" and found them to be full of inspiration and pretty short on actual details.
    There is a book published by Barrons, which is full of factual detail and reference material.
    Another Book that I'm looking at, seems pretty good so far (which describes the processes, pitfalls and advantages) and it's called something like Real-Estate investing A to Z. Forgive me on the title, but you get the idea!

    Good Luck! :-D

  • quickspic1st November, 2004

    I spent one year in Iraq not too long ago, I read at least 20 real-estate books. I also had two experienced mentors one who accumulated over 20 properties in 4 years. And with a PFC's salary in the army (1200-1500) a month that is real impressive. Anyway to answer the question, the best book was the Unofficial Guide to real-estate investing.

  • fdoneit1st November, 2004

    Check out the Unofficial Guide to Real Estate Investing - Second Edition. Includes everything from the most basic concepts of real estate investing to complicated tax and financing formulations.

  • ray_higdon1st November, 2004

    If you aspire to be a landlord, Shemin's secrets of a millionaire landlord is excellent.

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