Best Book For Doing Lease Options?


Can anyone recommend a great book, or books, on lease options?

Thanks smile



  • davehays15th March, 2004

    Find out who the man or woman is in Wisconsin that is the most successful investor, and see if they have a course for sale, or a book

    Go to closest REI and ask the leaders/speakers who might have it for your state.

    Best way, IMO

  • JohnLocke15th March, 2004


    Glad to meet you.

    I would vote for William Bronchick, Esq. He is a well respected attorney and investor.

    John $Cash$ Locke

  • pino18th March, 2004

    I just purchased Ron Legrand's cashflow library set. I got it about 3 days ago and I just started the Lease/Option CD's today. I read through the book and it's pretty good, lots of neat examples and a lot of examples of the paperwork you'd be filling out. So far I like it. I wanted to have CD's because I drive to and from work and to and from college every single day. I spend a lot of time in the car.

    You can get it on this site under SHOP for a little over 200 bucks isntead of 1500. smile[ Edited by pino on Date 03/18/2004 ]

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