Beginning Out Of State - Massachusetts

Help! I'm somewhat new here. I've been reading just about as much as my brain will absorb on this fantastic board. Now I need some advice.

I've been living in Arizona for the past couple of years, and will be making my way back to Massachusetts (way too homesick, need cold and snow... LOL )

My goal is to learn all I can about REI, and proceed in my home state. Now I realize that it is not going to be easy to begin investing in Massachusetts, since I have little money & property is through the roof there, but that is where my home is, and I am determined to make a go of it. But I have to get back there first.

I'd appreciate any suggestions as to the best way to approach this (getting my homebase) since I am out of state. I plan to call local banks and see about their foreclosures, but I cannot think of any tactics beyond that, since I am so far away. My son lives in the Boston area, so he can do the initial first look to see if any property is worth my flying out to see, but his time is limited.

Hard facts: cash available - about $150,000. I have a son who can fix just about anything, another who is great in sales, and we know other people who can do roofing, electrical, etc. So a practical dump might be workable for us (barring asbestos, structural problems, and/or drug war areas, of course). Credit is crappy, have been working on that, but that takes time, and I need to be back in Massachusetts very soon.

Any thoughts?


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