Been Awhile

Sorry I haven't been on lately I've been preparing for overseas deployment. For that matter I may not be here much longer and I am at odds wheter to work on my investments . Sadly if I go I will miss you all greatly, I have already missed the ****This URL Not allowed**** convention in Atlanta preparing and am still on pins and needles ..Well to the matter at my hand since I have a new computer I have lost my loan calculator . If someone could send me a prog or link to theres' I would be greatful . :-(

Bri[ Edited by Brill on Date 03/26/2004 ]


  • Lufos26th March, 2004

    Dear Brill,

    But is it not true that if you take your computer with you you will be as close as the tap of a fingure. Can you not leave some trusted servant or wife, or girlfriend behind to handle your properties?

    I used to think deploy was my middle name and some how or other all the props got taken care of. The one biggy fire I experienced was not too bad, They just sent a check to my bank and I had a nice man go out and sweep the lot. The neighborhood kids loved it. Baseball until my return.

    Also look at the investment opportunity. If the Middle East, now there are some really hot properties.

    So enjoy your time over seas, take pictures and remember do not drink the water, date the women or try to pet the dogs.

    Cheers Lucius 8-) 8-)

  • mykle26th March, 2004

    Just want to wish you the best. I'm guessing Iraq...

    Things have improved alot as far as living conditions in the past year, most everyone has a roof over thier heads, AC and heat these days. The chow is better too, not home cooking by any means, but you shouldn't be on MREs for months at a time.

    Most FOBs have internet access available and phone service now, rates are reasonable. Not the $2.50 a minute scalpers rate they used to get away with.

    If your going to be there a while I advise spending a bit for some comforts, satelite dish, TV etc, probably can get a good price on stuff from people who are heading home. I forget the good receiver to get, sorry. Most don't get many english channels, but there is one that is good. Most people there should know, they weren't allowed satelite TV until we took over, so we were all just guessing at first.

    Do take some snivel gear, it does get colder than you would think.

    It's a different world, I try my dardest to forget it, but at the same time I am probably a better person for having gone. Try to make the most of it, it can be fasinating learning the culture, language, and even making friends. The arcitecture is interesting, and who would have thought you can use speaker wire on a 220 line.

    Most of the Iraqies love us and are very greatful we are there. I had a guy come up to me crying, he kept asking why, why, why did it take us 10 years to finally come back and free them. Many seem to think we are all buddies with the tell Mr. Bush thankyou for me. Haha. Of course the few that are against us make it so you can't really trust anyone.

    Sorry, I'm rambling, i try not to think about it, when I do it all kind of comes in a flood.

    And you're probably going to Afganistan so this was all a waste LOL.

    Good luck,
    Be safe,

  • Brill27th March, 2004

    [ Edited by Brill on Date 03/27/2004 ]

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