Basic Legal/financing

Being the newest newbie that's possible I am needing to find out a lot of legal stuff. I need to know where to start. I don't understand all the paperwork and other items that go on during a sale (I'm a newlywed and neither of us has ever bought a house). We are trying to get started but I need to be guided. Is there any article that explains the very basics of the legal/finacial side of REI? If there isn' of you pros should write one! cool grin


  • NancyChadwick22nd February, 2004

    You might want to check out books in your local bookstore (which allows you to flip through pages as opposed to doing it online) written for people planning to get a RE license and studying for the exam. Don't know what they're called in your area, but probably something like TX Real Estate Practice.

    This type of book will lay out the basics concerning real estate laws, practices and customs, as well as terminology. It won't discuss RE investment strategies but it should give you an excellent foundation in how RE "works" in your state.

    Once you've identified the title and author of the book you want, then go online and see if you can buy it at a discounted price.

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