Bank Has No Phone Number??

This has me stumped!! A week ago a house in foreclosure was taken back at the auction by the bank because no one bid on it. The bank's final summary was $95,000 which is WAY too much since the house has been trashed and it has no garage. My husband and I have looked at the house and figure if we can contact the bank and make a deal with them for a lesser amount it may be worth it then.
Problem: The bank, as it was written in the "Legals" in the newspaper , "U.S. Bank National Association, Trustee under agreement dated June 1, 1999 ( EQCC Home Equity Loan Trust 1999-2) " doesn't seem to have a phone number and doesn't exist at the address listed at the courthouse ( Jacksonville, FL) I called the law office of the plaintiff for the phone number and was told I must submit our interest the purchase in writing to them and they will pass it along to the bank. She said the bank will call us if they are interested in making a deal. Does this seem right or does something seem to be missing here? THANKS!!


  • feltman14th July, 2004

    US bank is based here in minneapolis. not a bad bank, but i sure won't be depositing any money with them.....

    Anyway, I think the attorney's office offer to submit your offer is very nice and reasonable. These attorneys don't charge very much for all of the work they do; so their willingness to go above and beyond to help get your offer to their client will probablyu make you offer more attractive than if you mailed it to their main office.

    Do you know what the redemption period is in your state? If not, you should definately ask the attorney what the last redemption date is because the bank cannot sell to you until all redemption periods have expired.

  • commercialking14th July, 2004

    I agree, the attny is being very helpful. In addition it may be that U.S. Bank is not even the lender. "Trustee under an agreement dated . . . ." sounds a lot like a land trust agreement and the benificiary of the trust is probably not the bank. This may be why the lawyer is not referring you to a REO guy for the bank.

  • goodbuddy14th July, 2004

    Thanks so much!! If you can answer one more dumb beginner question: When I submit it in writing to the law office that we are interesterd in purchasing the house, do I just say this and nothing else, or is this where I must have all the reasons that we are asking for a lower price, such as steps falling down, broken windows, etc? Do I give them pictures, estimates at this point or not? Or do I just wait for them to contact me and ask me? I'm not sure exactly what to do at this point, and If I never here from the bank, I will blame myself for not doing it right. Thanks for all your help! Adrienne

  • goodbuddy14th July, 2004

    Forgot to mention, the redemption peroid is 10 days, so that's not a problem.

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