
Are bandit sgns illegal to put on telephone poles? if so where can i put the signs at? i need to know asap..



  • ryand22nd December, 2004

    Bandit signs ARE illegal to put anywhere! Hence the word "bandit." Put them where ever you want and just except the fact that you will get calls from the zoning dept. and possibly the police (but not likely). This does not matter because they work and they create many leads. You will see that the greif you will get from the signs is well worth it. as long as you dont flood areas you wont have problems. That is the mistake that i made and that is when the towns get upset. They consider it litter. Just do what you can to make number. thanks, Ryan

  • ZinOrganization23rd December, 2004

    Try highway off ramps, the least likely spot to get town officials pissed, and since the state workers (and not city) maintain the highway they will just toss em out.

    the best thing you can do is put them up on friday night and take em down sunday night. this way you can put them wherever you want and not get into trouble. hopefully lol.

  • focusonmoney23rd December, 2004

    What a good size to get 18x24?

  • ZinOrganization23rd December, 2004

    i get them off of so whatever size they sell. they should be all the same size.

  • mattfish1123rd December, 2004

    I find that bandit signs that are put up in the ground using those metal stakes stay a lot longer than the ones put up on telephone poles. They are less likely to be torn down by city officials. Becareful not to put them on private property, though!

    Good Luck!


  • focusonmoney23rd December, 2004

    Are trees a good place to put them on? and do anybody get a better response from bandits signs then classfied ads?

  • ZinOrganization23rd December, 2004

    mattfish is correct, the wind also blows them off telephone poles unless you nail them instead of stapling them. also you may get complaints with the phone company. Trees are usually on private property and can therefore get you in more trouble or a nice complaint to the better buisness beaurough if they find out who you are. stakes in the ground is the way to go. on weekends i staple em to poles in busy intersections and then take em down before monday. just use common sense.

  • whyK-CA22nd January, 2005

    Hi Zin.

    In my area, I see almost no bandit signs. So I decided to do what you are saying, weekend only practice to minimize the risk. I found it is quite time consuming to put them up and put them down. And I didn't get good result. This was about 6 months ago.

    How many of those signs do you put up and down on one weekend?


  • kfspropertymanagement22nd January, 2005

    Thou Matt and I disagree on the use of these signs in my personal opinon these are nothing more then a waste of time as I have said in past posts save your 1.59 a sign and spend it in a better manor.

    How many people really pull over find a pen and write down the number. I kinda think it cheapens your business.

    If you want to get your number out to people and let them know what you do spend the money on a Val-Pak mailer or something like that your number gets out to people its already written down for them and you also can write a brief add also.

    Or buy a mailing list and send out post cards there cheap also.

    If you going to spend money spend it on somthing that is going to last something that someone can hang onto or what not till there ready.

    But as always jmhp....

  • focusonmoney22nd January, 2005

    Val-Pak mailer? What is that exactly?

  • InActive_Account22nd January, 2005

    Value pack is a company that sends out a bunch of envelopes with advertisements and coupons and everyone shares the postage. I'm not really sure if this one would work that well being that there are so many advertisements in the envelope
    I always throw mine out when I get them.

  • ZinOrganization22nd January, 2005

    obviously diffrent methods work for different folks.

    the signs i put up only on weekends are in my home town because i get alot of complaints here. but in other towns that dont care, i leave them up. when putting them up only for the weekend, i target the busiest intersections with four way traffic lights. therefore when people are stopped at these lights they dont have to pull over to write a number down, they are already stopped. i position my signs so that every car in line will see it not just the front cars. i usually only put up about 5 so that its not too time consuming. but they are in very busy intersections.

    this form of marketting is effective and gets me the most calls out of all my other methods. i use bandits along with newpaper ads and post cards.

  • 205JUNKERS28th January, 2005



    Let me tell you one particular story on how those cheap $1.59 signs can make you money!

    This lady called about a house that she inherited from her parents (the house she grew up in) and wanted to sell the house. When she inherited the house there were no mortgages or liens on the house but she used the house as collateral for a $25,000 loan. The ARV on the house was $140,000 plus and she was only using the house for storage which was unbelievable. She got behind on payments and could afford to make the payment any longer.

    Placed this house under contract for $50k and WHOLSALED it to an investor for $80k.
    Yes, $30k profit which has been my best deal by far.

    How and Why did she call me? Ms. Brown saw a $1.59 BANDIT SIGN and called my very easy number 444-3030. She said she didn’t even have to write it down. I never would have reached her because she didn’t live at the address of the property and the property tax mailing address was the same as the address at the house address, which she never checked (taxes were delinquent also).

    This is one of many deals all because of BANDIT SIGNS. I’ve used postcards before and they are ok but not even close to the response of BANDIT SIGNS. Advertising is repetition, most MOTIVATED SELLERS don’t care where they see “We Buy Houses” they only want your help. I’ve had people to say they have turned around to get my number if they didn’t get it the first time and then you have Sellers that travel the same route daily and the messages is pounded in their heads “We Buy Houses, We Buy Houses.”

    [ Edited by 205JUNKERScom on Date 01/28/2005 ]

  • ZinOrganization28th January, 2005

    yes junkers i agree with you, but there are those people out there who feel that they are too good for bandit signs, and that it cheapens there buisiness. in my opinion the only way its cheapining there buisness is because they are loosing out on a major form of advertising, therefore they are loosing money by not getting deals. i feel some people should worry about there own buisnesses and becoming successful instead of raining on our parade. there is a word i use for them but i dont think it would go over well if i said it here.

    you will here it over and over again about how its not ethical to use bandits and they violate the law. well let me tell you when i started out i approched a number of attorneys maybe 10. they all told me that creative real estate was illegal and that i should just go to school or become a real estate agent lol. obviously that didnt stop me. neither will people who complain of others successful forms of advertising.

    how does it cheapen your buisiness when the people you are advertising to are usually in foreclosure? do you honestly think they care if you are using signs or not? in my opinion they have much more things to worry about then that.

    anyways you and i will always here the nay sayers, but we will also always be getting the deals.

    i dont expect any replies from this, because i already have heard the oppositions side, and i here them daily from the towns who complain about my signs but have no problem with the politicians who do the same.

  • Invstr7329th January, 2005

    Any suggestions at all? :-?

  • RonInAZ29th January, 2005

    Seems like you know of Office products. Use Excel for your data. Then Word for your letters and envelopes. Or Publisher if you are doing a newsletter / brochure thing.

    Maybe even better is to use Address Book that comes with every Windows PC. You can enter or import data once. Then make groups for different types of mailers. Most software that will merge should merge with Address Book.

    Please report back, OK?

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