Bandit Signs

Hello all !!
I am going to go and get some bandit signs made up, and I am curious what everyone has had success with in terms of wording. I assume I BUY HOUSES-CASH in big letters is not a bad idea, but what creative ways have you guys found to get results? Thanks for the imput.


  • scsod14th November, 2003

    what is a "bandit" sign

  • SolutionsKid14th November, 2003

    What are bandit signs?

    This is a topic I have issues with because the message you use is really going to attract certain people. We Buy Houses attracts a much lower type of property and people in general.

    Tell us what and who are you trying to attract first and then people can better help with the best message.

    Christian "The Solutions Kid" Beebe

  • tbelknap15th November, 2003


    This is a topic I have issues with because the message you use is really going to attract certain people. We Buy Houses attracts a much lower type of property and people in general.

    Not true in my market. I get all types of people calling me from my bandit signs saying "we buy houses". I have people calling me with 300k+ houses and lower end houses. I have just had a local bank call me wondering if I buy foreclosures. All from my signs.

    Maybe in your market that is the case but the person should test and see what works in their market. Try different messages to see what works. Test, test and test some more.

    Good Luck,

    Tom[ Edited by tbelknap on Date 11/15/2003 ]

  • samedwin15th November, 2003

    Well, to clairfy I'm looing to attract anyone who wants/need to sell fast. It will be up to me to decide what to do with the calls once they start coming in, but I want to attract anyone needing to sell; I don't want to limit myself to PF only or L/O only, etc. I want to see what my market is in need of, then maybe I'll target more specifically.
    Anyone with wording that has proven itself effective?

  • nebulousd15th November, 2003

    We Buy Houses
    Any Condition
    Any Situation
    ### ####[ Edited by nebulousd on Date 11/15/2003 ]

  • rcummings15th November, 2003

    Here are some samples....

    We Buy Houses
    We Take Over Payments
    (###) ###-####
    Any Area, Any Condition

    We Buy Houses
    Quick Closings
    (###) ###-###

  • samedwin15th November, 2003

    Thanks guys,
    rcummings- do you think the "Take over Payments" line scares some people off? Or just targets a different audience? Do you use these signs yourself? I guess I'll just try it and see. Who knows!!!

  • rcummings15th November, 2003

    Some people may say "They wont buy my house because there is not enough equity" or they may say "I have to leave town tomorrow, and I don't have time to wait around for a realtor to sell it." So I mention take over payments for someone that just wants out and does not have time to wait around for a sale date and time.

    I would still do a deal without equity. It's a little risker if you buy in the wrong areas and values go down. But I like to take calculated risk. Just always have an exit plan....

    I am in the process of putting together my bandit signs now. I will try out the wording of "taking over payments" and see how that flys. Just rememer, you have to test your market, so get creative and see what gets the phones ringing. One way may not work, but another will. It's all about marketing....

  • samedwin16th November, 2003

    I getting my signs tomorrow. Going with
    We Buy Houses
    Any Condition
    Any Situation
    I liked it, simple-to the point. I'll give that one a spin, and see where it leads me.
    Thanks for the advice.

  • diego7916th November, 2003

    I think you should just get a sign that will apply to anyone motivated. Most people don't want you to "take over my paymets" you want to address their motivativity, people prolly pre qualify themselves out of calling. You want everyone that's motivated to call and YOU get to screen them from there.

    I like the

    any condition
    any situation


    we buy houses
    cash... fast

  • nebulousd16th November, 2003


    Is that a word

    Good one Chris

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